thirty two | "you are my eldest's happiness"

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When Hoseok had first regained consciousness, the only thing he could think about was how he felt like he was constantly being run over by ten thousand horses, all carrying the weight of thousands of men.

His body ached all over. Even lifting his eyelids proved to be a difficult task. He couldn't move anything in his body. He felt like he couldn't breathe, and it was a miracle in itself that he was able to feel his heart hammering in his chest (though at rates he'd never heard it too). Even his heart thumping against his ribcage hurt like hell, leaving dull aches with every heartbeat.

"You're awake."

The voice sounded so far away, though Hoseok knew the woman was standing right next to him. She was blurry, and his eyes strained to make the shape of the woman, before giving up.

"It's okay, Hoseok," the woman said, pressing her hand against his cheek, "Your body has been working overdrive trying to piece you back together. This is the first time you've opened your eyes. You're in there now. Back in your body. Don't worry, Hoseok. You are under my care now, and I'll make you the best you've ever been."

Hoseok fell under before the woman could tell him anything else.

The next time he'd felt consciousness, he felt lighter. His eyes could materialize everything, and he was no longer struggling to hear. Though his body still ached, it wasn't nearly as bad as the first time. The ten thousand horses had been reduced to just a thousand, and that pain was far more manageable. He could even move his fingers, though he tried not to do so often, as it seared flames of pain he didn't want to endure more than necessary.

"I had hoped that by the year's mark, you'd be doing better."

Hoseok could see the woman now. There was something eerily familiar about her, even though he knew he'd never met her before in his life. Something about the pale expression and vivid ocean eyes that carried mystery in them stirred something in Hoseok, but he didn't know what it was.

"I don't expect you to know me, Hoseok," the woman smiled. "I'm sure you've seen pictures of me, but don't stress. You have no possession of your memories. Your brain is too damaged for that. But, we're making progress! It'll only be a matter of time until your body can handle larger amounts of ambrosia."

Hoseok understood nothing of what he had been told. All he could do was move his eyes up and down in response. The woman only smiled brighter, placing her hand carefully on Hoseok's cheek.

"I'm Selene," she said, "You may not remember me right now, but you will. I'll help you get better. I promise."

Hoseok's lips parted as if he was trying to respond, but found himself unable to say anything.

"I wish I could just fix you," Selene lamented, looking at Hoseok wistfully "But then it would be too obvious. I was lucky to have gotten you right as you had died. If I had gotten to you while your heart was still giving you life or two seconds too late, you would have died. Alas, even I have my limitations. I've been testing the fates for quite some time now. Guess it's a good thing I could be considered a minor god. I can't even have my son be here with you. He'll break the entire universe to make you whole. Not that I'd be opposed, but, I can't let that happen to him."

Selene paused briefly.

"What good would it be if I fixed you all up, only for my son to dig his own grave?" she chuckled softly. "He's too much like me in that sense. In fact, I had to be restrained for centuries after the loss of my love. Took all of me not to march to the Underworld and bring his soul back. Alas, it couldn't be helped. My kids needed me. They still do. I let my Namjoon down long ago. I couldn't bear to do the same for Yoongi."

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