thirty three | "you're insatiable"

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"So, how long has it's been since you've walked around these parts?"

Yoongi turned to look at Hoseok, a mixture of disbelief and amusement lacing his expression. Hoseok cleared his throat, choosing to look away from the source. They were walking around the island, an uncomfortable space between them, even though all Hoseok wanted to do was hold hands with Yoongi. The sun still shone brightly, casting a warm glow around Yoongi and Hoseok's frame. The sun felt as it always had on Hoseok, which he found strange, but supposed it was because he wasn't a complete vampire.

"You could ask me anything in the universe, Hoseok, and you choose to ask me if I've been how long it's been since I've been on my mother's island?"

Hoseok raised his arms defensively. "I'm trying to get to know you."

"If I had been here recently, Hoseok, I would have never left this island," Yoongi chuckled, his expression softening. "I would have caught your scent, and I would have stayed at your side. Had my mother left me, I would have been with you through it all. Time is irrelevant in my eyes, but I can say it's been centuries since I've been here." He smiled nostalgically. "Life was good here, Hoseok. Away from evils. Away from Artemis. We could stay here if you'd like."

"Absolutely not," Hoseok automatically answered, folding his arms across his chest. "I refuse to spend another second here when there are others who still think I'm dead. Besides, I need to get my revenge. We need to get our revenge."

"I like the sound of that," Yoongi smiled, though he made no move to show affection towards Hoseok beyond that. "Are you planning on assuming the throne after?"

Hoseok shook his head. "I have no intention of being King. Yeonjun can rule. I remember you telling me that he was meant to. We'll figure it out. Maybe you can bring the Gwan line back into existence."

Yoongi shook his head. "I'd need at least one living Gwan descendant to be able to do that. If you can find me one, we could try."

"What if my ability helps restore the line?" Hosoek suggested, looking at Yoongi curiously. Yoongi raised an eyebrow but said nothing, and Hoseok took it as a sign to elaborate. "Well, you said that soulmates complement each other. If you're powerful enough to leave no trace of the Gwan line, then maybe I'm just as powerful to restore it."

"Learning to master your ability takes centuries, Hoseok," Yoongi responded quietly. "You know what happened when we used our abilities when we couldn't control them. I don't want you to cause anything you'll regret."

"Is that why you're hesitant to let me drink human blood?"

Yoongi nodded. "It is. I am trying to protect you, Hoseok. From yourself, but it's protection nonetheless. I don't know how you'll react once you do start craving human blood. You can't be addicted to something you've never had before."

"How did you get introduced to drinking blood?"

"It was silly." Yoongi shook his head. "It started with a dare. Namjoon had never seen our father drinking human blood, so he didn't quite believe us when we said that it was possible to drink from humans and that because we were part vampires, it would benefit us. Jimin dared him to be the first one to try it out, and after some gentle pushing, he did. I still remember the way his eyes widened in surprise as his fangs tore into that human's flesh. You could see the blood flowing out of the person, the color draining out of their skin, but Namjoon didn't stop. His eyes had taken on a red color, and he'd drained the body completely. We couldn't stop him."

"He was fine with it?"

Yoongi chuckled. "If anything, he wanted more. He hardly registered our voices. We couldn't catch up to him anymore. He was too fast for our eyes and our speed. It didn't take him long to find another victim. Against my better judgment, I had taken some of the blood from his first victim and tasted it. Then, I could understand why Namjoon was reacting the way he was. I'd only had a tiny bit of blood, and I could already feel my fangs drawing blood at my lips. Safe to say, a certain village did not make it. We were in Rome, if I remember right. Probably one of the best nights of our lives. Though, I should not be telling you this. You'll be tempted."

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