thirty five | "a flair for the dramatic has always made revelations more savory"

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"I've suffered worse, but out of all the things I could have been taken out for, I had not expected silver to be at the top of the list."

Hoseok could hardly smile at Jungkook's words, his lips molded into a permanent frown. It had been two days since Jungkook had been shot with the arrow, and he was still in bed, recovering. His skin was full of life now, his chest rising and falling slowly, and his eyes had taken on their natural color. Hoseok's hand was neatly bandaged, rendering his hand somewhat useless, but keeping him out of harm's way.

"Remind me next time not to have silver near any of us," Jungkook continued. "Can't believe you aren't immune to it. Aren't you some sort of god?"

"Good to know your comedic ability remains intact," Hoseok mused, frown still etched onto his face. "I didn't even realize you were a comedian."

"Usually, I'm not, but near death experiences count for special occasions," Jungkook grinned, sitting upright. "How's your hand?"

"Better," Hoseok shrugged. "Yoon told me not to make any efforts on it for the time being. It's a miracle he let me out of sight. I think he's afraid I'm going to leave."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Are you?"

"I don't know," Hoseok admitted, sighing softly. "A part of me wants to go find Seokjin while the other part wants me to stay put— to treat this as if it's not my business anymore."

"It is your business."

Hoseok grimaced. "My thoughts exactly."

As much as Hoseok wanted nothing to do but move on, he knew better than anyone that he needed to recover. Recovery was the most important thing that he could be doing, and right now, he hadn't been doing a lot of it. He'd thought that by being like the Purebloods, he wouldn't be susceptible to anything, but as it turned out, he'd fallen victim to the one weapon he'd unwillingly helped create. It was a delicious irony that Hoseok could not let escape, and as much as he wanted to forget it, it plagued his mind. Still, Seokjin was someone Hoseok needed to get closure with eventually.

"Then why are you trying to convince yourself that it is not?"

This time, the sound of Taehyung's voice pierced through the echoing walls, stunning them both. Taehyung walked in slowly, letting Hoseok and Jungkook watch him go them. He was holding a tray full of glasses— no doubt animal blood, but Hoseok took it gratefully, downing it as if it were sweet nectarine, even though his former human self wouldn't be able to stand the metallic, iron rich taste of it.

"This moral diet is not doing me any favors," Jungkook grumbled as he sulkily took the glass from the tray. "Why do I have to succumb myself to animal blood when we have plenty of access to human blood?"

Taehyung chuckled. "If even a sip of human blood passes through Hoseok's lips, Yoongi will have my head. Only the Moon what sort of powers could bloom in Hoseok once he's tasted the finer things in life."

"I bet he'll be the most bloodthirsty out of all of us," Jungkook declared, ignoring Hoseok's dirty look. "You know how hungry the Purebloods get. Watch Yoongi and Hoseok start a tradition where they play Russian Roulette on the world, but instead of bullets, it's cities, and whichever cities it falls on, that's where they'll drink."

Taehyung snickered, adding, "The cities will cease to exist as soon as they land on it. They'll make it a competition on who can drink the most humans in a single night."

"I'm sure that is what Artemis is afraid of," Jungkook mused. "How many humans would you kill at once, Hoseok?"

Hoseok's mouth slackened at the question as if the answer was obvious. "I don't think I'd kill any human."

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