two | "what's korea's baby doing in an adult-only area?"

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make sure to read chapter one if you haven't already!

Jeon Jungkook loved nights like these.

The pulsating neon lights, the music drumming in his ears, the chattering, and the mingling of vampires. Some dancing, some talking, others taking advantage of the vast amount of empty rooms available to release their sexual, lustful, and forbidden desires unto each other. The place reeked of alcohol, blood, and sweat as people expelled their energies and drank as if it was their last day on Earth. 

Nevertheless, Jungkook saw an unfathomable beauty in the environment he was in, smiling at Hoseok's clinginess, unable to keep the coky grin off his face as he continued to lead Hoseok through the daunting crowds.

"Jungkook, are you sure about this?"

Hoseok practically trembled against him, feeling antagonized beyond recognition by all the impurities he was witnessing. Never had he seen the intermingling of vampires and humans— as far as he was concerned, especially not seeing vampires in action, feasting on humans as they rubbed and groped each other. He wrinkled at the pungent smell of sweat and alcohol that inhibited the air, feeling the hairs at the back of his stand. It was official. He hated this place.

Did his Father not know this place existed? At least Seokjin knew, Hoseok knew that for sure, as his love had mentioned meeting the Purebloods in clubs like these earlier in the day. Jungkook clearly knew, and he just as obviously didn't care for it. As Hoseok tried looking at Jungkook's expression, all he could see was glee and excitement, which only made him cower behind Jungkook more. This place screamed danger, yet it left Jungkook completely unfazed.

Hoseok didn't know how Jungkook managed to convince him to sneak out of the palace.

"Your Highness, it's going to be fine," Jungkook reassured, focusing his energies on calming Hoseok's nerves. He could taste the fear pulsating off Hoseok, leaving Hoseok on the brink of despair. Jungkook relished the taste of Hoseok's fear in his mind, reluctantly quelling it, so Hoseok would feel safer. Thankfully, it didn't take much to soothe Hoseok, and though he was cowering behind Jungkook, he wasn't trembling anymore.

Hoseok felt himself relax at Jungkook's words, feeling serenity wash over him as Jungkook continued to take him through the clubbers who surprisingly didn't recognize him. He didn't know why they couldn't— he wasn't even wearing a mask to hide his identity. It seemed like no one cared that the Crown Prince was out and about a place he was sworn off from. 

Thankfully, Jungkook led them into the less-crowded section, the VIP section, which Hoseok assumed was for people like him. Though the term, 'people like him' was describing it loosely, it probably meant that higher-ranking vampires could also go about as they pleased.

Now that he thought about it, Hoseok realized he knew almost nothing about vampires.

With one look, the bouncers let Jungkook and Hoseok pass, much to the latter's relief. He hadn't been recognized. Good. The last thing he needed was to be caught for blatantly disobeying his father and Seokjin.

"These are some of my other friends," Jungkook smiled brightly, gesturing towards the three sitting on the leather couches. Hoseok's eyes drifted to each of them, unconsciously naming them after their hair colors. The one on the right was silver-haired, the one in the middle was blue-haired, and the last one was scarlet-haired. All of them looked at Hoseok with insatiable curiosity, Silver even leaning in closer to inspect him.

"Jungkook, who's this?" Silver asked, lips curling upwards into a snide smile. "You've never brought anyone over here before."

"Hi," Hoseok greeted, pressing his lips together in vivid awkwardness. Silver chuckled in vivid amusement.

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