eighteen | "is that what you wanted to see, hoseok?"

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"How's everyone doing?"

Yoongi smiled at Hoseok's question as he took a bite of his steak, fingers slowly twirling the cup in his hand. He'd come in later than he'd expected, so Hoseok had already finished eating and was now waiting for Yoongi. After swallowing his bites of food, he spoke.

"They're fine for the most part," Yoongi responded. "I don't think your father was expecting us to react so quickly. Of course, Jimin subdued as many as he could that were within his range, but that, and having to charm the women and children to follow him wasn't an easy feat. He's very exhausted, but we did get most civilians out, which was the important part."

"How'd my father react to your appearance?"

Yoongi sighed. "Just about how someone who declared war would. I spoke to him, serving as a distraction while the others tried to get people out. You can only imagine how that went."

Hoseok nodded and went quiet, though his expression lit with questions. Keeping his gaze on Hoseok, Yoongi set his tableware and cup down before leaning closer to Hoseok. To his surprise, Hoseok made no attempts to lean away, something, Yoongi figured out to be good progress. This was the first time that Hoseok hadn't tried to distance himself from the Pureblood, but perhaps, it was because what was on Hoseok's mind was too much for him to fully notice the action.

"What's on your mind, sunshine?"

Hoseok's lips pressed together, a flicker of indecisiveness lighting his expression. Yoongi raised an eyebrow in concern but didn't say anything, waiting patiently for Hoseok to finally answer him. He didn't get why it was taking Hoseok so long to ask it— the question was begging to be let out, and he already knew what was eating at the boy. There was a reason that he was asking about his father after all.

"Can you show me?"

Yoongi smiled. "My dear, all you had to do was ask."

He held out his hand expectantly. Hoseok's eyes flickered towards it, a bit of hesitancy in his expression. It was understandable that the boy fully didn't trust him yet, but the fact that he was willing to even ask Yoongi what happened was progress in itself. Slowly but surely, Hoseok was starting to trust him, and this would only result in nothing but favorable outcomes. Besides, Hoseok needed to see how much of a menace his father truly was and the lives he'd quickly taken before the Purebloods had lifted a finger.

He saw as Hoseok's eyes gloss over in resolution. Hoseok placed his hand on top of Yoongi's, letting his wrist remain exposed. Hoseok's eyes fluttered closed as Yoongi tore at his wrist, wincing slightly as Yoongi's fangs punctured deeper, though it didn't feel as harrowing as the first time.

When Hoseok awoke, the first thing he noticed was his father's murderous expression.

"The palace is still in flames." Hoseok could hear Yoongi say. "If you wished to redo it, you could have just said the word."

"Where's my son?" his father bellowed. "Give me him, and all of your sins will be forgiven."

Yoongi scoffed. "My sins? Your people are going the pay the price of your greed, Micah. I gave you everything you could have ever wanted, destroyed bloodlines for you just so that you could make yourself the victim. What ever happened to the loyalty you swore to my family?"

"All that happened between us flew out the window the moment my son was born," Micah gritted his teeth. "I told you that the second you held him in your arms. You could have taken everything back."

"I took your near immortality from you," Yoongi chuckled. "It's been eighteen, long, hard years, hasn't it, Micah? Your years starting to fall on top of you, and if you keep endangering your people, I'll make sure that time fully catches up with you. You're lucky that I am still entertaining you. You will not win."

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