twenty five | "everything i'm doing is for you"

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At the sound of his name, Yeonjun looked up, surprise splitting his features as he noticed Selene enter his mother's chamber, a basket of fruits in hand. He smiled, bowing slightly, before walking up to receive the fruits on his mother's behalf. Selene smiled back, though she appeared confused at Yeonjun's appearance, especially looking so tired.

"What brings you to the Moon?" Selene asked, taking a seat Yeonjun had been quick to pull out. Yeonjun's smile never ceased from his face, though it soured, leaving Selene feeling slightly suspicious.

"Trouble in Paradise does, Selene," Yeonjun responded carefully, grabbing a golden apple from the basket. Selene frowned, displeased at the statement. "It's okay, Selene. I've just been working to fix the mistakes committed."

"What mistakes?" Selene inquired as Yeonjun took a seat. "Where's your mother?"

"She'll be back shortly," Yeonjun answered, taking a bite off the apple. "Took a little break. We've been working nonstop these past couple of days. These golden apples are delicious, Selene, thank you."

"Did something happen to my children?" Selene asked, immediately tensing. Yeonjun shook his head, momentarily lost in thought. "Indirectly then."

Yeonjun nodded, sighing. "One of the humans struck a deal with Artemis. Your children are fine, but Hoseok's facing the consequences now. My mother was tricked into helping Artemis, so now, I'm spending my days here trying to figure out how to fix this mess."

From an outsider's perspective, it would be impossible to determine that any of the Purebloods were related, much less sons of Selene. But, looking at how quickly Her gaze stormed, eyes narrowing into slivers brewing with fury and jaw clenching harshly, aura poisoning the usual purity of Her radiance— it was clearer than night that the Purebloods and Selene were one and the same.

"I'd been wondering why Artemis had stopped her visits," Selene muttered, hands forming into fists. "Coward. She meddles in my childrens' business and thinks that she can walk around. Who's the human Artemis is conspiring with? I must know his name. I'll kill him."

"Selene, darling, you can't kill him."

Selene's expression relaxed a bit as Hecate appeared, her gaze sorrowful but stern. Hecate offered Selene a small apologetic smile before standing by Yeonjun's side, placing her hand on his shoulder. Yeonjun smiled affectionately at the action, looking up at her warmly before turning back to Selene.

"Just how Artemis can't kill soulmates directly, you can't kill those placed in the soulmate's way," Hecate explained. "Artemis is a Hunter. She's cunning, a brilliant strategist, and knows how to get what she wants. She played it well. Had me fooled too."

"Her plan was never to kill him," Yeonjun continued, earning another small smile from his mother. "She wanted the human to feel desperate enough to save him. The human loves him, Selene. He's devoted the same way Ambrogio was once devoted to you."

The anger slowly dissipated from her eyes. Selene relaxed a bit, and while the initial anger had disappeared, it was now replaced with scorn combined with sheer helplessness. Whatever the human had done to her sleep her eldest and his soulmate away from each other, he did it because of delusions that Artemis helped conjure. Had Artemis never interfered, none of this would be happening.

Still, Selene despised the way that this human was meddling in her family's affairs.

"They haven't asked me for help yet," Selene said, lips quirking a bit. "Namjoon did centuries ago. I could hear him calling out for me. You weren't there, were you, Yeonjun?"

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