twenty six | "but i don't love him"

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There was a strange hesitancy, Hoseok noticed when it came to Yoongi touching him.

The flicker of the eyes, almost questioning gazes as Hoseok leaned into him. The abrupt movements, combined with slight breath air he'd draw if Hoseok's lips got too close to his. The breathy awkward chuckle when Hoseok would continue interlacing their hands together. It was almost as if their first introduction had melted away, and the relaxed Yoongi who'd been open to Hoseok was now trying to create distance.

Maybe he wasn't used to this. Hoseok had no clue how Yoongi acted from beyond what was being presented to him. For all Hoseok knew, Yoongi could be a completely different person, and Hoseok would have no clue, not until he recovered his memories. Maybe that's what had Yoongi keeping Hoseok at arms' length. There were holes in Hoseok's memories, and Yoongi knew everything that had happened— all the events that had occurred prior to them being in each other's arms.

"The palace remains intact."

"You sound surprised," Hosoek remarked, watching as Yoongi now walked around the room, inspecting every crevice his eyes wandered to. It was amusing but concerning all the same. It was almost as if he were marveling over how everything was situated. Hoseok frowned slightly at the amused yet bitter expression interlaced in Yoongi's face, noticing how Yoongi's eyes clouded with scorn as if Yoongi knew something Hoseok didn't.

"Your perfect prison."

"It still looks the same," Hoseok said, frowning. Yoongi chuckled, turning to Hoseok almost indignantly.

"The last time I saw the palace, it was nothing more than ashes that rivaled the soured soil it was built on," Yoongi stated, "Only one room existed, and there, my love, you were taken from me. To see it back in its grand state, well, if I could, I'd burn this place to the ground."

Hoseok blinked. "Can't you?"

"If only."

Yoongi didn't elaborate. Maybe it was for the better. Maybe Yoongi was protecting him from something. Maybe Yoongi just didn't want to say anything that had happened in the past— waiting for Hoseok to remember on his own. Maybe Yoongi did want to say something but was restricting himself. Whichever case it was, Hoseok couldn't say for sure. So many questions, each too complex for Hoseok to get straight answers without risking finding something he'd dislike.

"How much time do we have?"

"Before someone comes to get you for breakfast?" Yoongi asked, humming softly. "I'd say about five hours. We have time with each other, I promise. If I'm lucky, I'll even get to see you fall asleep in my arms."

Hoseok smiled at the thought.

"That is, if you're sure," Yoongi quickly added, "I won't do anything you're not sure of me doing."

Hoseok scrunched his nose. "You don't have to be so formal. We aren't strangers."

"At the moment, we kind of are, Hoseok," Yoongi sighed, appearing by Hoseok's side. Hoseok scooted over, letting Yoongi sit next to him on the bed. Hoseok couldn't help the small frown that settled on his face. Yoongi's expression softened. "This feels like a dream to me, Hoseok. I hadn't expected to be here this soon. Jun worked at rates faster than expected, and I owe it all to him."

"It isn't, though," Hoseok said, taking Yoongi's hand. "I'm real. This is real."

"You are a dream, Hoseok," Yoongi said gently, caressing the boy's cheek. "The only dream I'll ever wish to have. But, the Hoseok you are right now, with the lost memory— it isn't you."

Hoseok faltered at Yoongi's words, feeling his heart nearly crush against his chest. He knew Yoongi meant no harm in his words, and nothing Yoongi had said was untrue. Everything Hosoek knew was because of what he'd read or what he'd been told. Though there were scatterings of his memories flashing through his head, he could never pinpoint and fully grasp with vivid details what had happened. Yoongi knew everything that had happened to Hoseok, so he knew the type of person Hoseok truly was— Hoseok couldn't even trust himself.

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