fourteen | "if you're so sure, your highness, kiss me"

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"It has begun."

Yoongi only smiled at the vision sweeping the city that Micah Jung had created with the help of the Purebloods. Mobs of humans resorting to violence of the olden times. Every expression screaming murder as they approached the palace, shouting and demanding their King to show his face. The King that had promised to give them back their Prince by the end of the week failed, succeeding in only humiliating himself in front of his sworn enemies. Alongside their precious missing Prince, the future leader stripped of his makeup, his future, right in front of their King's face.

It wouldn't take long for the King to come out and attempt to woo the unrelenting crowd, who was more than ready to spill blood— no matter whose it would be. Just as Jimin had predicted, the vampire side of the city remained completely intact. It was a suicide mission to attempt to fight the vampires in the night, but the citizens were eager to bathe in the blood of their foes and anyone they beseeched as such.

In forty-eight hours everyone had managed to catch wind of the atrocities the Purebloods had committed, waking up with time being stolen from them as the Purebloods completed what had to be carried out. They had all been reduced to nothing but disposable pawns, and that humiliation lay striking in their minds. There was nothing more fragile than a wounded ego, especially when it came to those pitiable humans. Egos that clouded judgment, and as history proved time and time again, would lead them to their downfall. Of course, you still had the cowards, such as Micah, who hid behind a facade of strength, when inside, they were nothing more than a speck of dust that could be blown away without a thought.

Micah needed his citizens to be angry. It was the only way that he would be able to get them to ride on his lunatic plans to murder the Purebloods, the only way to get the humans to wage war against the vampires again. Yoongi knew Micah better than anyone, after all. Micah Jung was a man of broken promises, who in his selfishness, would do anything to keep his power. It was part of the reason why Yoongi had to take Hoseok away from him. Not just because Hoseok belonged with him, but because as soon as Micah would find the key to igniting the Pureblood's weakness lying within the poor boy, he would exploit Hoseok.

"Hoseok wishes to speak with you, Yoongi."

That was a new one.

Never had Hoseok requested Yoongi's presence, especially not when he was conscious. Yoongi had a knack for making his presence known, but this was the first time Hoseok willingly asked for him, though Yoongi didn't let himself be swayed by the statement. There was no reason to— because the only thing he would be getting from the mortal would be insults and death threats; he knew it. Hoseok, as someone who just recently lost their stupid 'l'amour lie,' would be lamenting over the loss of Kim Seokjin. At least now, Hoseok was back to purity, bearing only his insignia— the way it always should have been.

Hoseok was still in Yoongi's quarters, something that Yoongi immediately registered at the back of his mind. It wasn't that Hoseok hadn't been awake— he'd woken up a couple of hours ago, which would have given the boy plenty of time to move from one place to another upon request. Yet, the boy had decided to remain in the place that he was put, a place that was clearly Yoongi's only, which was not a good sign for the human whose insignia was growing by the hour.

"I have come to receive your death threats, sunshine," Yoongi gently closed the door behind him. "Can't wait to hear what you have to say."

He received no response from Hoseok, which didn't surprise Yoongi, but he took it as an excuse to walk towards Hoseok, who sat motionless on the bed. At least Hoseok had eaten— Yoongi knew that much, but he had to admit, Hoseok shielding his face from Yoongi was worrying him. Not too much— who would Yoongi be if he was swayed by pitiable human emotions?— but enough that he found himself reaching for the boy as he took a seat on the bed. Gently, Yoongi lifted Hoseok's face, and true to his word, Hoseok's expression was completely wrecked.

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