eight | "you'll realize i am not your enemy"

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Oddly enough, the Purebloods were hiding little from him. Enough to leave him in the dark, but giving him enough not to leave him completely lost.

"So you two aren't Purebloods?" Hoseok asked. Taehyung and Jungkook shook their heads. "Are you just regular vampires then?"

"Of sorts," Taehyung responded, pausing. "We were human, just like you are now."

"That doesn't mean we're weaker, by the way," Jungkook quickly added, noticing the intrigued look on Hoseok's face. "So don't get any ideas, Your Highness."

To some degree, Hoseok knew it was true. Bitten vampires were always weaker than their creators. The vampire lineage spanned centuries, and with every newly Turned Vampire, the farther they strayed away from the original Pureblood line. Depending on how old Taehyung and Jungkook were, chances were that if any 'regular' vampires turned them, they didn't possess anything out of the ordinary, meaning Hoseok could have the upper hand if he were to escape.

"They were turned directly by us, sunshine," Yoongi breezed, pointing to his two brothers. "More specifically, these two. I played no part in their turning."

"Why not?" Hoseok asked, ignoring the pet name once more.

"Because I was waiting for you, darling." Yoongi chuckled. "Taehyung and Jungkook mean nothing to me as far as you're concerned. You're set to follow in their footsteps."

Hoseok didn't like the sound of that.

A small giggle rippled from Jimin's lips, capturing Hoseok's attention. Jimin was no longer paying attention to Hoseok, eyes focused on Taehyung. Hoseok watched as a smile bloomed in Taehyung's lips, his expression softening at Jimin's tender gaze. It was as if they had wrapped themselves up in their own little world, something that took Hoseok completely by surprise.

It was hard to break eye contact from the indisputable aura of romance dispelled by the two. Hoseok's heart flipped at the sight of Taehyung's fingers tucking Jimin's hair behind his ear, jealousy stabbing him. Seokjin, his love, always looked at him like that, and now, Hoseok couldn't be with him.

"Don't miss the feeling too much, darling," Yoongi chuckled, eyeing Hoseok's envious expression. "That'll be us soon."

Hoseok's head immediately turned to Yoongi, who was playing with the empty glass. A smirk drawled at his lips, and upon feeling Hoseok's indignant gaze, the smirk widened, and he locked eyes with Hoseok, running his tongue across his bottom lip teasingly. Hoseok's jaw clenched at the gesture, and he glared, only to receive a wink from the former.

"In your wildest dreams," Hoseok finally bit back. Yoongi set the empty glass down, arching an eyebrow.

"Oh darling, if I had my way and my wildest dreams came true, we wouldn't be here," he responded nonchalantly, making sure to keep his eyes on Hoseok. "We'd be in my bedroom, you underneath me writhing in pleasure as my fangs pierce that pearly, sensitive skin of yours. Trust me, my dear prince, countless is nothing compared to what I'd do to you."

How did Yoongi manage to say that with a straight face?

Hoseok scoffed. "Charming. I have a love bound, Pureblood."

"What a coincidence, Prince, because I have a beloved." Yoongi immediately shot back, much to Hoseok's distaste. "Reducing me to Pureblood now, are we?"

"That's what you are," Hoseok stated. Yoongi raised his arms in mock surrender.

"Your words, Your Highness, are very wounding," Yoongi sighed dramatically. "You didn't reduce me to a Pureblood when I was drinking your blood."

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