twenty three | "i would never lie to you hoseok"

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Yeonjun returned to the Purebloods; his expression clouded with anger.

Every step that Yeonjun took dimmed the Moon's shine, causing the mirage of flickering lights. Usually, Yeonjun would watch his temper, as his feelings sometimes affected the Moon. But tonight wasn't a time to keep himself in check. He'd been working relentlessly to infiltrate the strong hold Artemis had placed around the palace, wearing away at his patience and leaving him with little control over his emotions.

Seeing Hoseok not recognize him hurt. Though he tried his best to maintain his disposition then, it didn't deter from the confusion in Hosoek's eyes. Yeonjun had been surprised that Hoseok had listened so attentively to him— Yeonjun had half expected Hoseok to yell for Seokjin. He knew his mother's magic was something not to be messed with, but for Hoseok to still remain in doubt and offering Yeonjun and his presumed enemy side some form of confidence...

Yeonjun shook his head. It wasn't time to dwell on personal feelings.

Jungkook had been the first one to greet Yeonjun. Despite Jungkook's best attempt to hide it, Yeonjun could tell from the worried lines creasing Jungkook's usually smooth forehead that he was also feeling the stress of Artemis's blessings on the humans. He wouldn't admit it, but Yeonjun knew Jungkook had been anxiously waiting for his return, needing the news of assurance that Hoseok was doing just fine.

"Hoseok misses you," Yeonjun didn't even bother a smile as he approached Jungkook. "It shouldn't take me more than two days to be able to successfully sneak you in. That is if you want to see him."

Jungkook's expression was indiscernible. "There's not much to say if Hosoek remembers nothing."

"That could be a good thing," Yeonjun reasoned, walking alongside Jungkook. "We all know how...shitty you treated him after he was taken the first time. You could try to mend things or keep them the way they were. Open up a little."

"You gave him the books," Jungkook answered, pushing the door open. "He'll figure it out on his own."

"You can be with him when he reads it," Yeonjun suggested as he walked inside. "Bring him back to reality."

"Will I be able to stay by his side for a couple of hours?" Jungkook mused, closing the door softly behind them. "You were only there for ten minutes."

Yeonjun scowled. "When you learn to master centuries of spells and sorcery, then you can come to complain at me. I am working with my mother on this, so my apologies that I am not progressing as fast as I should."

"I only tease," Jungkook grinned, clapping Yeonjun's back. Yeonjun groaned at the impact, cursing loudly before turning to glare at Jungkook. "Oops. Sorry. I forget you're not one of us."

"It's like you are trying to kill me," Yeonjun sulked, rubbing his back. "If I don't make it out alive, I'm haunting you."

Jungkook only laughed, leading Yeonjun to where all the other Purebloods were waiting. The Purebloods all sat at the circular table, Yoongi's fingers twirling a sword with carelessness, while Jimin and Taehyung were together, conversing among themselves. Sensing their presence, Namjoon looked up, eyes zeroing in on Jungkook before shifting to Yeonjun.

"Are we sure we can't just take him out of the castle?" Jimin huffed. "It's not like we can't kill all of them."

"Killing them won't provide Hoseok's freedom," Yoong answered, turning the sword towards Jimin. "We go in there recklessly; we're going to be the ones killed. He's safe for now."

Yeonjun nodded. "Watched like a hawk, but he's fine. Seokjin will not let his precious husband fall into the wrong hands."

Yoongi's expression flickered in annoyance. "I'll give him a painful death."

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