fifteen | "i keep records of all my creations, sunshine"

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If there was one thing that Jung Hoseok had learned from his father, it was the fragile relationship between vampires and humans.

Humans were nothing compared to vampires. They had no power of their own, possessed no immortality, developed little strength, held dependence on weapons, while the weakest vampire held power to decimate an entire town. In any fight against vampires, humans were destined to fail. In the first war, the Purebloods had never interfered, leaving the fight against regular vampires and mortal humans, and it still ended in bloodshed— mostly from the human population. After treaties were struck, all Hoseok was told was all the Kings before his father had preached nothing but peaceful relations, which his father religiously had followed.


Now, his father had signaled to the Purebloods a renewal of a war they had chosen not to partake in centuries ago. The people only adding fuel to the fire, expressions enraged no doubt inspired by Hoseok's father's words to fight. It was as if rationality had flown out the window— the knowing truth that humans were only asking for their deaths, especially when this was a declaration of war against the Purebloods, who could just as easily be named Gods among vampires and humans on Earth.

All because of Hoseok.

It had to count for something, right? If his father was waging war because the Purebloods had wrongfully taken him, then Hoseok could see the point of his father trying to do the unreasonable. A parent would do anything for their children, even if it was to risk their own lives, but would the Purebloods have taken Hoseok if he was a bargaining piece in the treaty?

The treaty had been hundreds of years old, and Hoseok had only just turned eighteen. For him to be a part of the treaty didn't make sense. It wasn't like it was his father who had been the one to sign the treaty.

Noticing Hoseok's pensive expression, Yoongi said, "Your father is going into a pointless war, all because he could not give up what I asked of him centuries ago. Is it so hard to believe that your father would go to war, even after teaching you how pointless war would be between our species?"

"If I hadn't been taken, there would be no war," Hoseok grimaced, staring at Yoongi condescendingly. "You brought this onto yourself. If you did not want war, you should have never interfered with my family."

Yoongi's eyes glinted dangerously. "I would be careful with that tongue of yours, Prince. I have never bent to the will of man, especially not someone as barbaric as your father. Your father interfered with my family, and all I asked of him was one thing. He agreed, and when I came to warn him I would take you when the time came, he began trying to negotiate."

"My father was not alive centuries ago," Hoseok snapped, feeling himself becoming enraged. "Stop trying to blame him for all the things you have caused."

"Now, listen here, you little—"

Yoongi quickly grabbed Yeonjun's arm, pulling him away from Hoseok. Hoseok looked at Yeonjun surprised, rendered speechless at Yeonjun's suddenly hostile behavior. Yoongi pulled him further back, locking gaze with Yeonjun, whose expression was everything but gentle. If Hoseok was angry at Yoongi's, Yeonjun's fury was more amplified, looking at Hoseok as if Hoseok had been the one to do the damage. For the first time since meeting this sorcerer, Yeonjun radiated hatred, and with his mismatched eyes glowing, he looked just about ready to curse him.

"That stupid human never learns," Yeonjun hissed, struggling against Yoongi's grip. "He talks too much, and you let him walk all over us for the sake of free will. How do you let him continue to talk this way? He fails to listen, over and over again, having himself convinced that he's in the right."

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