five | "i should have your head for your betrayal, micah jung"

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"How did you get in here?"

King Micah's voice boomed through the room, his hand already encircled over the hilt of his sword. Obsidian laughed, only causing Hoseok to shrink into Seokjin's figure, though he knew that wouldn't help him as the eyes never once left his.

"The real question here, King Micah," Obsidian spat venomously, his maniacal expression disappearing, "is did you think you would get away with marrying off your gift to me?"


Hoseok looked at his father in confusion. His father paid no attention to his stare, purposefully looking away from Hoseok as he looked at the intruders. Hoseok's gaze shifted to Jungkook's for a moment. Upon feeling his stare, Jungkook eyed him, giving him a reassuring smile, though the expression on his face remained vacant. A knot formed in Hoseok's stomach at the sight, and for a moment, he could swear Jungkook looked unrecognizable, almost as if Hoseok didn't know him.

"Adoring subjects of the esteemed Micah Jung," Obsidian boomed sarcastically, eyes glinting amethyst. "It is with a saddened heart I inform you that I will be taking your beautiful, golden boy, Jung Hoseok, Prince of Korea."

Murmurs rippled to the crowd, unease beginning to suffocate the room. Sensing the change in atmosphere, Obsidian gestured towards Silver, who only smiled, eyes glowing a bright emerald.

"Let's all calm down, shall we?" Silver giggled. "Let my brother speak."

Obsidian nodded once, pointing at King Micah. "You made a promise to my brothers and I. I gave you everything, and you took it upon yourself to not just love bind my prince but go behind my back and try to marry him off. Did you genuinely think you'd get away with it?"

Silver looked at the King, eyes glowing emerald once more. Within seconds, the King fell to his knees, face contorted with pain as he bit his lip in attempts not to scream. Though no one was laying a hand on him, he seemed to be enduring immeasurable pain. Hoseok teared up, wanting to walk towards his father, but his feet were planted firmly into the ground for some reason. He was paralyzed with fear, and everyone continued to watch silently, all of them paralyzed.

"A shame your people aren't helping you, huh?" Obsidian laughed, beckoning to Silver. Silver only smiled, moving his head slightly. "I should have your head for your betrayal, Micah Jung. My brother isn't too fond of betrayals."

"H-how did you find out?" Micah gritted his teeth as the pressure in him dissipated, Silver's eyes going back to normal. "I ensured you wouldn't know anything."

Obsidian smiled crookedly, a hum erupting from his lips. He walked forward, causing Seokjin to tense while Hoseok shrunk even more. Despite the calm that Silver had given them, Hoseok felt like the odd one out, as if he was the only one that felt the opposite way. The crowd had been lulled into silence, and with a simple command from Silver, they fell to their seats, eyes closed while only Seokjin, Hoseok, and the King remained standing.

"Your son invited me," Obsidian answered. "Or rather, he let it slip when he came to party yesterday. It was a...night to remember."

Just a bite won't kill you, Your Highness.

Hoseok's eyes widened as the memory resurfaced full force. His hand flew to his birthmark, which seemed to ignite in his body, producing a painful, warm sensation. Seokjin and his father both turned towards him, disbelief and questioning in their expressions. Hoseok looked away, feeling his birthmark flaring even more at Obsidian's— no, Yoongi's contact, and he tried his best not to show it, though now memory through memory was rushing through his head of the previous night he'd had.

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