ten | "maybe they feared what they helped create"

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When the world had yet to be filled with mortal inhabitants, gods ruled the world. 

It wasn't easy being gods in an inhabited world. Gods were meant to be praised and worshipped. After the gods defeated the Twelve Titans, they expected to be revered— Zeus especially, but found that there was no one around to celebrate their accomplishment.

So, they had Prometheus, the Titan God of Fire, to make those worshippers become a reality. 

Shaped by Prometheus's hand and breathed life into by the goddess Athena, humans became a reality but lived a life of misery in the dark, while the Gods, in their greed, lived life lavishly in warmth and light.

Prometheus, having played a part in human creation, pitied them, and in his pity, he turned against the Gods and gave humans fire— a choice that left him punished for centuries by Zeus. It all worked out for the Gods in the end. The humans had their fire and, with it, began their first steps towards civilization.

That's what separated Titans from Gods, their later successors.

While the first generation of Titans was always meant to be displaced by Kronus's children, the second generation of Titans conveyed much more empathy and compassion for those who weren't at their level. They felt for the pitiable humans only meant to worship the gods because they too could be disposed of at any time by the gods in charge. 

And some of them fell in love with these mortal beings, which only caused devastating consequences for both parties as the gods, in their jealousy, would cast misery onto them for doing so. 

But the gods didn't matter anyhow. Not anymore, at least. 

Not when species like Yoongi's existed.

If anything, he and his brothers were gods. Gods among men, with abilities that could alter reality as they know it. Of course, the gods meant to protect their worshippers fell silent, though that was to be expected. The gods had always been predictable in that sense. They couldn't do anything about their existence because they, themselves, had played a part in Yoongi and his brother's existence.

Or maybe they feared what they had helped create. 

Yoongi gazed out the window, his eyes passing, catching the slightest wisp of life. The moon had taken on a bright crescent, and a small smile slipped into Yoongi's lips. It was anything but a content smile. For it to be so required that everything go as planned, the way it was supposed to go, but Yoongi knew better than anyone when it came to destiny, it wouldn't be simple— not when there were so many different realities. 

He wondered whether or not his mother was looking from the moon, watching him and his brother's every move to ensure that they were doing everything right. So far, She had yet to intervene, and Yoongi hoped to keep it that way. Nothing was scarier than a mother's rage, and as amusing it would be, he wouldn't want to wish Her wrath on anyone.

Still, time was ticking for Yoongi and Hoseok. Hoseok had a bit less than a month left to live, and if Yoongi didn't act on it soon, he'd lose Hoseok forever. The last thing he wanted to do was lose Hoseok— Yoongi had worked too hard to ensure that his existence would be secured, but just with all the uncertainties that the future held, he wasn't sure he could take the same steps his brothers did. It's not like he wanted to anyhow. 

He'd already forced Hoseok's hand anyhow.

"I cannot for the life of me figure you out."

Yoongi smiled at his brother's words, though he said nothing. Namjoon continued to look at him, his gaze tracking Yoongi's every step while his hands played with his lover's hair. Jimin sat on the opposite side of the room, intrigue lacing his features.

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