thirty | "that's the beauty of fate"

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cw // violence, blood, mentions of death, death

to write this, i listened to fairy of shampoo txt version, i'm tired (from euphoria), elliot's song (also from euphoria), sos by twice, and up no more by twice, amor eterno by rocio durcal, and mistki's laurel hell so you already know the vibes 😫‼️

if this may be uncomfortable for you, please refrain from reading past the third "🩸" i will write a shortened version of what happened at the end of the chapter notes, so that you are aware of what happened.

happy reading!

"What am I supposed to do, Yoongi?"

Hoseok tugged uncomfortably at his clothes, ones perfectly ironed, with not a single thread out of place. His eyes met Yoongi's in the mirror, a small frown tugging at his lips. Yoongi made no response to Hosoek's question, focusing instead on Hoseok's beauty. He let his fingers brush across Hoseok's clothes, let his head dip towards Hoseok's neck, breathing in deeply Hoseok's intoxicating scent. Yoongi's head nestled into the crook of Hoseok's shoulder, his arms falling to encircle themselves around Hoseok's waist. Hoseok drew a sharp breath, his eyes never leaving the mirror.

"The moment I am crowned King, I'll lose you," Hoseok breathed, his hands finding themselves on top of Yoongi's. "Forever. Will I forget everything about you? Will things go back to the way they were before? Enemies. Will I hate you?"

Yoongi pressed a light kiss to Hoseok's jaw, tightening his hold of Hoseok. "We're trying, sunshine. I won't let anything happen to us."

"I just got you back," Hoseok whispered, his eyes flitting downwards, "I know everything between us was unconventional, but the little time I have had with you does not compare to anything I've ever felt."

"Careful, Hoseok," Yoongi murmured, looking up at Hoseok with amusement. "It's starting to sound like you're about to confess your feelings for me are more than you've let on."

"If it were, shouldn't you sound happier?" Hoseok chuckled softly, "I seem to recall telling you how I felt many nights ago."

"Ah, but that was before you didn't have any memory of our times together," Yoongi answered, looking up at Hoseok. "Is it not fair that I prepare myself for the inevitable change that will come of us now that the initial shock has disappeared?"

Hoseok smiled. "If it were, Yoongi, I wouldn't be trying to bear my heart out to you."

"You make it sound like a goodbye," Yoongi said, letting go of Hoseok's waist. "Let us not dwell on the negatives, Hoseok. We are with each other now, and I will be every step of the way."

"You should be alongside me."

"The Crown was never something meant for me," Yoongi said, brushing off the dust in Hoseok's robes. "For what's it is worth, you shine in these clothes. Royalty suits you well."

There were so many things that Hoseok wanted to say, but looking at Yoongi's careful watch over him, Hoseok found his throat running dry. A comfortable silence lulled between the two of them, and Hoseok kept it that way, taking the time to look at every trace of Yoongi. Hoseok could permanently forget Yoongi. The feelings he used to have for Yoongi would come back. He'd despise Yoongi and his brothers. He'd hate everyone that wasn't human.

Hoseok didn't want that. He knew he had feelings for Yoongi. In all the chaos, Yoongi had been the one person who led him to discover the truth of everything. Yoongi could have forced Hoseok to be his, made Hoseok a vampire to save himself the trouble, but he didn't. Yoongi had been genuine towards him. He'd liberated Hoseok— given him the option to explore on his own accord. He gave Hoseok the choice to grow to love Yoongi— to realize that Yoongi wasn't a bad person. That Yoongi was someone Hoseok would willingly side with.

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