sixteen | "for the sake of what i went through, hoseok, i hope you don't"

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"They're going to kill him."

Hoseok could feel the worry and fear settling into his body at the words, the words slipping out of him faster than he could process. The voice wasn't his own, he could tell that much, but everything coursing through him felt too real to pass like a dream. The movements, the words were not his own, the body was not his— Hoseok wasn't in control of anything. His vision was clearer than he had ever seen before, his movements light and quick, making no noise as he continued to move around. No drawing of breaths, no heartbeat, the exact opposite of what Hoseok was.

"Yoongi, we have to do something!" Hoseok felt himself say as he paced throughout what seemed to be a throne room. "You don't know what they're capable of."

"Jimin, didn't Taehyung say he loathed you?"

So he was playing Jimin.

"We made progress, Yoongi," Jimin responded, balling his hands into fists. "I don't know what they're trying to do to him to undo everything we had progressed on, but now they're holding him prisoner. I think they're doing it on purpose. They know that if we try to get in, we'll cause war, but Yoongi, we have to get him out of there."

Yoongi sighed. "The question is not whether we should help him, Jimin. That much, I promise we will do. But, Namjoon has worked all this time to keep relations with humans peaceful. If we take one of their people, it'll undo everything that he's done. We won't be able to take him without a fight, and you know we aren't in any condition to start a war with them."

"If I can make Taehyung mine, I can save us," Jimin pleaded, putting his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. "As long as I can awaken his insignia, we'll be able to get out without fighting. We don't have to use our abilities."

"We can't use our abilities yet," Yoongi corrected. "We don't have full control of them yet. Our mother warned us about using them without having full control over them."

"We're still vampires," Jimin insisted. "We can get him without harming the humans."

"They can use Taehyung's presumed hatred of you as a weapon," Yoongi said, uncertainty lacing his voice. "As soon as they manage to combine his blood with their weapons, we're done."

"Which is exactly why we have to get him out of there. He'll die if we don't do anything, and I can't have him dying on me. I'll lose him for eternity if I don't save him now."

Yoongi nodded. "Kim Taehyung will survive. I promise you that."

Jimin's lips blossomed into a smile at the words, his arms going to embrace Yoongi. Yoongi stilled for a moment before returning the embrace tightly.

"Mother's not going to be happy at what we're about to do," Yoongi murmured in Jimin's ear. Jimin smiled softly, squeezing Yoongi tighter.

"We're doing what we have to do to save my soulmate," Jimin responded, "I think she'll let it slide just this once. She gave our soulmates to use, after all. It is not her fault that Taehyung's life is being threatened."

"I know," Yoongi said. "I know. Now come on. I know that Namjoon isn't here, but it should be fine, just the two of us. It's just a town, right? A couple thousand, including Taehyung?"

Never mind the fact that Taehyung was the son of the Head of the town, one of the major towns in existence. Though his brother was giving him hope, Jimin knew that even with enhanced abilities that they possessed as vampires, they wouldn't be able to survive not being captured by the town— especially when they weren't able to use their gifts to the fullest yet. Uncontrolled, Jimin's ability could cause immediate death upon the human population, and the last thing he needed was his accident to show as a declaration of war, especially when Namjoon, his brother, had worked so hard in maintaining peace.

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