forty point one | ''do you believe me now?''

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"What happened to him?"

Hoseok could hardly contain his anger as he noticed Yoongi's dormant state. Yoongi hardly ever took time to rest as he didn't need it as a regular human would, but this time, he seemed knocked out cold. His skin, which used to have a healthy glow, was diminished, and he looked far closer to death than Hoseok had ever seen him in all his years of knowing him. Next to him lay Yeonjun who appeared to have a similar look, also knocked out cold. Only Naamjoon stood, giving a slightly sheepish smile.

"The both of them," Namjoon began, eyeing Hoseok closely, "decided that what they needed to do was utilize their energy to search the entire world for the Gwan descendant."

"You let them?" Jimin hissed, who walked in as soon as he heard Hoseok's anger permeate through the walls. "Finding the Gwan descendant isn't the thing we need in the midst of us being completely unaware of Hoseok's father and Artemis's whereabouts. What is wrong with you all?"

"How long is it going to take for them to recover?" Hoseok asked, pressing his palm against Yoongi's cheek. "If anyone finds out that they're like this, do you know what my father would do to them? To him?"

"That's why no one is going to know," Namjoon scoffed, folding his arms. "I've already given both of them some ambrosia, so it will only take them a day or two to reach their optimal state. I have already calculated it."

Jimin frowned. "A day or two is the difference between life and death." He turned to Hoseok. "Did you find anything useful?"

Hoseok shook his head. "He hasn't gotten over the initial shock yet. We're going back tonight. I think he's trying to piece everything together on his own."

"No trace of Hoseok's father anywhere," Taehyung confirmed, easing his way next to Jimin. "I think we'll have to make our roundabouts tonight. Jungkook can stay here with Namjoon."

"Hoseok can't go see Seokjin by himself," Jungkook retorted. "I won't let him. Seokjin could still be dangerous."

"I don't think there is a choice," Jimin said, lips pursed. "It might also be the only way to lure Micah and Artemis out. I'm sick of playing the waiting game. This has to come to an end. Everything. Hoseok is powerful enough."

"Not with the inhibitor on him he's not," Taehyung reminded him. "Yoongi will have to take it off. He's unconscious."

"It's fine," Hoseok said, smiling wanly. "I think it will be better if Seokjin and I have a private conversation. If we want Seokjin to listen, I must risk him injuring me. It's okay. It'll be okay. I'm sure Yoongi will know if I'm in trouble. I'm not worried."

Though there were protests in their eyes, they all knew that they had no choice. They were two people down, which, if discovered, could end disastrously. The best situation was that only they knew what had just happened, and no one— including Artemis, wouldn't find out until both Yoongi and Yeonjun were fully recovered. However, nothing could be hidden by gods unless purposefully hidden by other gods, and neither Hecate nor Selene knew of what their children had done.

Anyone who mattered now knew that Hoseok was alive and well, yet somehow the world was still standing. There weren't any noticeable imbalances, and with Hoseok not depths in the Underworld, any type of move could completely throw the world off balance. Any and all steps they took would have to be calculated and precise. Yoongi and Yeonjun essentially combining their abilities to find out that Seokjin was the rightful heir to the throne could have caused disastrous consequences, but it didn't. All it did was take out someone who knows the Moon through the back of his hand, and someone else who all enemies would take advantage of if they knew he was at his weakest.

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