twenty two | "the moon's been shining unfavorably"

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Seokjin refused to let Hoseok out of his sight.

Usually, Hoseok would have no problem with being around Seokjin. Still, there was just something about the way Seokjin would appear at every waking moment, going to the point of barging in if Hoseok was gone for seconds too long, that had Hoseok on edge. This type of behavior didn't feel normal. It was as if Hoseok was an endangered species that could disappear forever if left alone for too long.

At night, the time where Hoseok thought he'd have space for himself proved to be more challenging. He'd have incomprehensible, undecipherable dreams and wake up in the morning with his pillow and face completely soaked with tears and a pounding headache that would last most of the morning. Seokjin and Hoseok's father had caught on very quickly, and after a couple of days, they began administering medicine to Hoseok, who had to take it, no matter the circumstance.

Even with Hoseok willfully listening to his father, security on him did not become relaxed. To Hoseok's surprise, the amount of security had nearly doubled, to the point where Hoseok felt like he couldn't breathe. He would see Seokjin everywhere, even in places Seokjin wouldn't normally be at. Seeing your husband every day was nice, but Seokjin was stuck to him like a fly, and he was invading Hoseok's personal space.

If it wasn't Seokjin, then Hoseok always had a guard by his side, a strange feeling. The only time Hoseok had any guard protecting him was when his father and he would host public events, and even then, the guards would be behind them— at a distance. Here, it felt like the guards were stuck to him, and Hoseok couldn't shake them off. It had gotten to the point where Hoseok would be checked on every couple of minutes while in his room to ensure that he wasn't in any immediate danger.

Hoseok was getting sick of it.

Nobody would tell him why they were going to such lengths to ensure Hoseok was kept 'safe.' For someone well surveilled, they did a terrible job in letting Hoseok know why they needed to take such measures. Hoseok could stand it the first couple of days, but now, with nothing to do and always feeling like a spectacle meant for everyone's eyes, Hoseok had begun planning ways to avoid the constant watch over himself.

"I need social interaction," Hoseok complained, crossing his arms. Seokjin turned to him; eyebrow arched, expression almost in confusion. "You don't count as social interaction. I want to talk to other people, walk around the city for a bit, do something. At the very least, find something entertaining to keep me busy."

"You have me. What else could you need?" Seokjin asked nonchalantly. Hoseok frowned.

"You have your responsibilities outside of babysitting me. I want to have something to keep me busy." Hoseok grumbled, looking up at Seokjin. "Is that too much to ask for?"

Seokjin sighed. "The palace keeps you safe. If I take you outside, who knows what would happen to you?"

"If you're at my side, nothing will happen," Hoseok argued. "And if there's a guard by my side, then I'll be even more protected. Come on, Seokjin. I'm tired of always staying here. I want to go see my city."

"You've been having headaches," Seokjin said. "You could be sick. I can't risk you out there."

"Yeah, and my father's been giving me medicine for it," Hosoek responded, exasperated. "I'm fine. I've been taking the meds every day. I'm telling you, I'm fine."

"Are you sure been drinking what your father has been giving you?" Seokjin asked, pressing his palm on Hoseok's forehead. "Have you had dreams? Nightmares?"

"What?" Hoseok swatted Seokjin's hand away. "Why would I be lying to you about something like that?"

Seokjin shrugged. "I'm just asking. You're becoming more hostile. It's worrying me."

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