29 - Even

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An imprint. The whole concept was weird and slightly mind boggling. Even was confused and by the looks of it, so were the rest of the band. Lucas' expression was torn between awe and confusion. Andrew had frozen as he tried to compute what had just been explained. Tobias however, responded just as Even expected he would.

"So you guys have no control over this?" He asked, voice slightly snappish with stress.

Jacob was watching him with clear anxious eyes. "No", he replied softly. "We don't".

Tobias huffed and took of his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Toby", Even rested a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's okay".

"No!" Tobias' eyes snapped open as he whirled. "We don't need more people thinking that they have some claim over us. We are independent people. Us against the world remember?"

"Tobias", Andrew shuffled closer, voice gentle. "This is different. Maybe we should give them a chance".

Tobias scowled and glared at Jacob. "Who imprinted on who? I guess that Embry claimed Andrew. That's obvious".

"Unfortunately I have Lucas", Leah huffed. Lucas' expression became one of shocked glee.

"What? Really? Oh my god"- he let out a squeak as Even elbowed him in the thigh. He quieted but his outburst seemed to have brought a slight relieved smile to Leah's face.

"I imprinted on Even", Seth's voice made him blink. Even turned and caught the other boy's eye. Seth was gazing at him. The weight of his stare making Even flush. He turned his head back to Tobias and said nothing.

"So you have me", Tobias' voice was small. Jacob looked like he wanted to stand up and wrap Tobias in a hug but chose to stand still. A wise choice because Tobias' face hardened again. "We don't need this!" He exclaimed. "We came here to chill out for a year, away from complicated. Not end up with this".

"Tobias", Even murmured. "De er ikke ham. Det blir ikke som forrige gang".

"I know that", Tobias groaned. "I know that things are different and that it's not a repeat of Gabriel. It's just"- he cut himself off with a sigh.

"What is your story with Gabriel?" Seth voiced. "I understand you wanting to keep it private. But he might come back and we want to keep you safe".

Even didn't want to be the one to explain it. From Lucas and Andrew's grimaces, they didn't look all too pleased at the prospect either. Tobias was fidgeting with his glasses. Even sighed. "I'm not going to go into detail", he warned. "But the summary is that Gabriel is Lucas' older brother".

"My parents divorced when I was a toddler", Lucas stated. "Gabriel was four years older than me and chose to go with my dad, I stayed with my mum. I didn't see him until I was a teen, the divorce was not a happy one".

"When we had just released our first EP", Andrew continued. "Lucas' dad called and asked if there was any position for Gabriel on the tour crew. We all sort of knew him and he didn't seem that bad, so we got him a job".

"Since he was my brother I thought it would be fine", Lucas let out a mocking laugh, his expression bitter. "I was wrong. We didn't know it but Gabriel had a history of violence issues".

"It started out okay", Tobias' voice was slightly shaky. "He was our friend. Then as we got more famous, he started to grow more obsessed. At first it was hanging out with us. Then he was introducing friends to us, one of which was Even's ex boyfriend".

"Harvey", Even wrinkled his nose at the memories. "Manipulative cheating dick".

"Yeah. Then he began acting like he owned us or something. He was possessive and controlling. It all happened so slowly that we didn't realise until it got really bad. He was stalking us, taking photos and confronting us whenever we did anything he didn't agree with. Then we found out that he was stealing from us, so we confronted him", Tobias had to stop. He pressed his face into his hands and took a deep breath. Even tightened his grip on his shoulder.

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