23- Andrew

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After that early start and the startling revelation there was no dramatics for the rest of the day. (Discounting Even and Lucas who were dramatic on principle. And Tobias who is so naturally dramatic that it's purely unintentional half the time). They spent the morning practising the Halsey song they planned to cover. Numerous ups of tea and coffee from the almost constantly boiling kettle fuelling them. By the time midday rolled around they had filmed the recording. They planned to film a live performance after lunch only to have their plans derailed by the fact that they were running low on groceries. The problem of being a adult and looking after themselves.

Andrew volunteered to drive to the local store in Forks. Lucas agreed to go with him. Even wasn't up to leaving the house just yet and Tobias wanted to stay with his brother. So the two boys got changed and trudged to the truck. It was one of those rare days where the sun had fought its way through the clouds. It was actually mildly warm. Not as warm as it would get back in New York, but warmer than the recent weather. Summer finally trying to make itself known.

The four wheeler pulled into a parking space outside of the store. July meant that it was still the summer holidays so the small car park was almost full. Teenagers lingered in groups round the doors with the boredom of a small town and not much to do. As Andrew pulled the car in, all the shoppers looked up. Mothers and their small children, people in their work uniforms dropping in, all looked up as Andrew parked. It was mostly because of the blaring sounds of Japanese and electric guitars echoing through the speakers. Lucas had his window open and was rocking out to Babymetal in the front seat.

"We just need the normal necessities!" Andrew called as they got out of the car, music shut off.

"Cart!" Lucas yelled back, sprinting for the shopping trolleys. A nearby mother jerked her toddler away as he ran past. Lucas' usual attire of black on more black with rips on his knees and a band emblazoned on his shirt, standing out in the suburban small town. Andrew rolled his eyes and huffed. He was wearing a black tank top and white harem pants with a red silk robe draped on top. But for some reason he was getting stared at. Did this town even know fashion?

"Drew. Want to get in?" Lucas asked as he wheeled a trolley over. Andrew grinned and hopped in with a flutter of his robe. "Want to bet I can beat my old time?" Lucas challenged. The lack of sleep and huge amounts of coffee making him jittery with energy.

"Five minutes, Fifty four seconds. Fifteen items on the list. Go!"

Luckily the shop was more of a mini supermarket than a grocery store. Lucas crowed and took off in a run through the doors and down the isles. What followed was a chaotic five minutes and thirty seven seconds. Andrew clutching the sides of the trolly for dear life as the careened round corners and pasted other shoppers. He would yell out items from the list as they tried to navigate the store.

"Rice, check! Eggs, check! Apples and various other fruits, check! Sugar, check! Milk, check! Hi Bella! Cheese, check! Soya milk, check!"

"Lucas turn!" Andrew screamed as they almost careened into a carefully stacked tower of tinned soup. Lucas shrieked and they careened rapidly to the right. Bella Swan, who they had just passed, froze as they shot pasted for the second time in a matter of seconds. She watched them as the two boys disappeared round the corner with wide brown eyes. Her small basket hanging on her arm. There was a scream and a clatter of dropped items from the next aisle. A disgruntled blonde woman swearing at them loudly, her basket uptrend on the floor.

"Flour, check! Chocolate, check! Vegetables, check! Noodled, check! Jelly snakes and Twizzlers, check! Chips, check! That it? What's my time?"

The cart glided off a stop at the end of the check out line. "Five minutes and thirty seven seconds", Andrew read from the timer on his phone. "You're becoming better at steering". Lucas pumped a fist in the air.

"Beat that Even!"

Andrew grinned at Lucas' celebration as he rechecked the list. The cashier, a dark skinned woman of middle age, waved them over slightly warily. Lucas quietened down as they bagged and paid for all their items. Andrew balanced the four paper bags on his legs as they paid. On the way out their bumped into Bella again. She had already paid and was just leaving.

"Bella", Andrew greeted. She stopped and gave them both a smile.

"Hi. You out shopping?"

"Just essentials", Andrew answered, eyeing her warily. He didn't not know much to make of her since overhearing her conversation with Jacob. It was not like they knew each other well. They'd only met three times before and exchanged a couple of texts. "You?"

"Just for me and my dad", Bella shrugged.

"Not for your boyfriend? Does he not eat?" Lucas asked. He leaned on the trolley handles and smiled mischievously.

Bella barely blinked, which Andrew respected. "No. His mum shops for him of course. Edward prefers having dinner with his family most evenings".

"I thought they had a liquid diet", Lucas hummed. He made eye contact with Andrew and they both shared a smug look. "That's what I've heard anyway".

This time Bella definitely did jolt. She began walking across to the car park away from the other shoppers. "Where did you hear that strange rumour?"

"Oh no where in particular", Andrew waved a hand. He grinned up at her, all teeth and sharpness. Unfortunately the effect was lessened by the fact that he was in a shopping cart with bags of groceries on his legs. But he made do. "Not very healthy a liquid diet", he continued. Bella growing more and more tense with each word. "Unlike Embry and Jacob. They seemed to eat an awful lot. Like puppies. Maybe that's why their temperatures run so hot? Extremely fast metabolisms".

He was interrupted by a ding from his phone. Andrew pulled it out and glanced at the screen. Speak of the devil, Embry had texted. I miss you. How's the song going? Andrew turned his phone off without replying. A sour note in his stomach.

"Or maybe they are less dead"- Lucas added. Bella's face whitened as he paused. "-Inside. I mean dead inside like the rest of us". Lucas laughed as they reached their car. "Nice to see you Bella", he waved as Andrew pushed the bags off his legs and hopped out of the cart.

"Do say hello to Edward and his family. We should drop by sometime and say hello to our neighbours. Get to know them a bit. Have a good day". Andrew waved as he and Lucas piled the bags of shopping in the back seats. Bella waved distractedly back as she walked towards a old red pick up truck.

"Was that mean?" Lucas asked as they got in. Andrew started the engine.

"No. If we really are in danger and they're hiding it from us, I think we're entitled to a bit of mental torture".

Lucas chuckled and began messing with the music. "You try and pretend you're the calm one. But really you're just as much as a little shit as I am Drew".

Andrew flashed him a large grin. The blaring noise of Babymetal once again blaring through the speakers.


AN: those poor shop workers and customers will never recover.
Bella going out for shopping and being almost hit by a trolley, then having her head sent spinning by the boy's cryptic comments.
I'm dying. Andrew is just as much as a dick as the rest of them.

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