38 - Tobias

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Tobias woke to a burry world and warmth emanating from his back. He blinked groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before reaching to the sofa armrest where he had left his glasses the night before. The movement involved rising on one elbow and a weight over his waist shifted. He pulled the wire glasses on and glanced around the nest of blankets and cushions on their living room floor. Andrew was bundled up like a burrito, only the top of his head showing, and pressed against the foot of the couch. Lucas was, in contrast, starfished next to him with one corner of a duvet tangled round his legs. He was still snoring softly and curls a mess. Even was where Tobias had left him, behind him but now tucked and enveloped by the muscular form of Seth. Tobias smiled sightly at the tufts of blonde poking out from under Seth's chin then glanced down at his own wolf boy.

Jacob had burrowed alongside Seth into the space between him and Even. The two stepbrothers now separated by half naked boys who radiated way too much heat. So much heat that Tobias noted that neither him or Even had any blankets, having kicked them off in the night once Jacob and Seth joined them. Jacob was spooning Tobias loosely behind him. One arm was still draped across his waist and the tanned boy's head was held smushed into a pillow. (Tobias wondered how the heck he waste suffocating himself but guessed it was just a talent).

For a second, Tobias stared down at the peacefully slumbering boy and let his mind drift. Jacob was strange. The whole situation was strange but he guessed the he had adapted pretty well to the whole supernatural shock. Jacob was warm. He was safe and, if the description of imprinting they had given was really true and that he was Jacob's whole world, then that meant that Tobias held the power in the situation. (It was still hard to believe. The he, him, could be so important to someone in that way. It was cruel power and it scared him). A flashback to the clumsy kiss and the threats that had followed after rose to his mind. Jacob had been apologetic and downright afraid. It had been weeks since and he had not made Tobias uncomfortable again. And, to be fair, Tobias was tired. He had watched Andrew's and Embry's relationship blossom, the Lucas and Leah's. Even might not have stated it aloud in words yet, but it was clear that he was absolutely smitten with Seth. Tobias had not dated anyone since his drink was drugged that one terrifying night. He hated how out of control and vulnerable it had left him.

Yet, some part of him and it wasn't a small part, craved vulnerability. His brothers, his bandmates, they knew him and he could relate with them but he was also the organised one. The parent of the group despite not bing the oldest. He had been in a relationship in the past that had lasted almost a year, now seeing the others finally opening themselves up to accept these new friends into their lives, it made him miss the emotional intimacy that a relationship gave. He missed being able to share parts of himself with another person, parts which he didn't share with anyone else. He wanted to be a little bit vulnerable by his own choice. It was thrilling, terrifying and the scariest thing he had ever done. He knew that Jacob would be anything he wanted him to be. This imprinting business lest him in control. The wolves were bound to them. The band could simply walk away at any moment and there was nothing the wolves could do to stop them.

Tobias watched Jacob snore slightly, noises muffled by the pillow. He was handsome, in a chilled American way that Tobias would never admit but he had always been fond off. Tanned skin and dark spiky hair. A sharp contrast to Tobias' own pale skin and boring brown bedhead. Jacob was stubborn, bullheaded and cocky. He tended to act before he thought but he cared for others more than himself and seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve. Tobias wondered if, without the imprint tying them together, Jacob would have ever spared a glance his way. But there was no use wondering of what could have been, here and now was what was important.

His hand was slow as he raised it up to hover over Jacob's head hesitantly. Dark eyelashes on the warm colour of tanned skin. His fingers were pale and cold as he brushed them ever so softly over the sharp corner of Jacob's jaw line. Tobias sighed and removed his hand. He slipped out from under Jacob's arm and headed upstairs to the bathroom he shared with Even. Back downstairs, Jacob's eyes fluttered open and the boy rolled onto his back to stare giddily up at the ceiling. A wide grin forming across his lips.

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