30- Tobias

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The pack stayed the night. Tobias supposed that they were a pack, now that he could see the signs. They communicated easily through body language and acted as one. There is a sharpness to their eyes that they all shared. Also, they were all intensely warm and strong. More so than a normal human.  Tobias guessed that it was all part of the Wolf thing. The band would have to quiz them about it later.

The sun was high in the sky by the time he blinked awake the next morning. All of them having been up till three in the morning clearing the mess in the living room and halls of sticky substances. By the time they had gotten to bed, they were dead on their feet. All of the wolves lodging in their imprint's rooms without any thought. All of them setting up beds on the floor.

Tobias yawned and rolled over, one hand fumbling for his glasses. The world was blurry from a combination of bad eye sight and sleepy haze. He groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. The room was bright. One of his curtains jerked back to allow the sunlight in while not waking him. A knock at the door had him pulling on his glasses and sitting up. "Yeah?" His voice was horse from sleep.

"Morning", Jacob greeted as he opened the door. He was still in his clothes from the night before. In one hand he had a steaming mug. Tobias couldn't help his surprise as Jacob set the tea down on his bedside table. It was the milky brown of builders. His usual.

"What time is it?" He slurred as he eagerly inhaled the steam. Ah, tea. Life was worthless without tea.

"Around twelve in the afternoon", Jacob replied cheerfully as he sat down on the edge of his bed.  Tobias glanced over and winced. Jacob's smile too cheerfully and happy to deal with at the moment. The nest of blankets were still on the floor in a tangle where the wolf boy had left them. (Jacob snored but Tobias was used to sleeping through noise).

"Is the tea okay?" Jacob asked nervously as Tobias too a gulp. It was slightly too hot and it scolded his tongue but he didn't care.

"It's fine", Tobias frowned, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.

Jacob beamed. "Great! Andrew told me how to make it". Tobias guessed that Andrew was up and about then. He doubted Even was awake yet, though Lucas might be. If Jacob was up then the other wolves would be too. They had a eerie synchronicity to them that Tobias noticed now that he thought about it. Like they knew how each other moved and what actions they would take. Another wolf thing.

Jacob was watching him. "What?" Tobias grunted. His eyesight still slightly sleepy. He ran a hand through his hair, probably making it worse.

"Nothing. What are you thinking about?" Jacob replied quickly.

Tobias narrowed his eyes on him. "Nothing". An awkward silence descended on them. Jacob turning his gaze to look around the room. Tobias drank his tea quietly, soaking in the warmth of his bed and the mug in his hands.

"You have a nice room? Did you design it yourself?" Jacob asked hesitantly. Tobias room was painted a warm blue/grey. A desk in light wood with matching shelves and drawers covered one wall. It was littered in stationary and drumsticks. Some of the wooden sticks half decorated. A whiteboard above it displaying dates, times, plans. Their next interview, the next live, birthdays, ideas. It was all an organised chaos which was almost out of place compared to the modern neatness of the rest of the room. A few movie posters were hung up above his bed, adding splashes of colour.

"We all designed our own rooms". Tobias shifted and pulled his knees up to his chest.

Jacob hummed. His gaze resting on him again. Something in his eyes made Tobias scowl. "No", he stated.


"No". He shook his head and held out a hand. "No. Don't look at me like that. It's", he huffed. "Personal".

Jacob furrowed his brows. "Imprinting is personal. Don't you get it?" He turned in his seat to fully face him. Tobias sat up straighter and placed his nearly empty mug back on the table. "You're my imprint", Jacob's voice was almost a growl. "Mine. It's like my you're my centre of gravity now. I can't stay away, I can't get you out of my head and you don't even want anything to do with me. I know you find me annoying. But you're mine, get it?" Jacob surged forwards and seized Tobias by the shoulders. His grip was tight but not bruising. Still, Tobias was wide eyed as he started at the tanned boy.

Then Jacob was leaning over and kissing him. His lips pressing so hard that it almost hurt. Tobias felt his eyes widen and his body freeze as Jacob pressed closer. The pure heat radiating from his body was overwhelming. It was all overwhelming.

Tobias shoved Jacob hard. It was like pushing a brick wall. But Jacob paused and withdrew obediently. Tobias was dimly aware that he was panting harshly, breathing slightly erratic. He wiped his mouth harshly on back of his hand, anger swelling up in him like a surge. "No!" He snarled. "You don't get it".

"Toby"- Jacob said, tone suddenly pleading.

"No!" Tobias scrambled out of bed and staggered back. The space between them now over a metre. "Don't you dare. Don't touch me without permission again. If you do then I'll cut you off. You won't see me. I will stay away. If I am what you say I am to you, then you'd better listen to me". Jacob's face was pale with shame. He nodded as Tobias spoke. Maybe the it was the pure fear in his eyes that made Tobias take a breath. He sighed heavily.

"Jacob", he said slowly. "I'm not good at these things. Relationships. Not, not after the spike incident. It's just, I don't belong to anybody. I am my own person, okay? I don't care if I'm your imprint or whatever. You can't own me. You can't control me. No matter what you are".

"I'm sorry", Jacob croaked, voice choked up. His hands twitched as if he wanted to pull Tobias back, but he kept the, in his lap. Tobias sighed again and ran a hand through his hair.

"But I'm not cruel. If this imprint business affects you as much as you say it does, then you can continue to see me. We can hang out and maybe start this again. Just don't try and kiss me again without my permission please". Tobias hated how his voice cracked at the last word.

Jacob nodded again. He opened his mouth, then hesitated for a second. "Okay. I promise Tobias that I won't do that again. I'm sorry for getting too caught up in myself. I forgot how strange this must be to you. I won't do anything you don't want. Okay?"

"Okay". Tobias' voice was small.

"Can I give you a hug?" Jacob was quiet.

Tobias thought for a moment. "Okay". Jacob moved slowly, making sure that Tobias could anticipate his movement. He stood and took a step closer, holding out his arms. Tobias was the one who took the second step. He gently pressed his forehead to a Jacob's shoulder and the taller boy wrapped his arms gently around his back. The heavy pressure and warmth grounding and comforting.

"I'm sorry", he said again into Tobias' hair.

"Just keep it at my pace", Tobias muttered back. "I'm broken and it's not going to go away easily".

"That's okay. I'm not easy either".

"I gathered". The comment made Jacob chuckle. Tobias allowed himself grin into Jacob's T-shirt.

"Let's just take this slow", Jacob murmured.

"Yeah". Tobias paused. "At some point I'll explain. But you have to be at lest a level four friend to unlock my tragic backstory".

Jacob laughed louder at that. "Which level am I at now?"


"I'd better work harder then".



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