05 - Even

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After watching a tear jerking Captain America bromance with Bucky Barnes, Even left a wet eyed Lucas to go and wash up. He took a shower and got dressed in his usual morning routine. By the time he was done, most of the morning had gone past.

He and Lucas spent the day challenging each other to various Wii sports resort games. It got increasingly competitive between them, as it always did. After winning his fifth victory in the fencing game, Even held his arms aloft in the air in triumph. "Victory is mine!" He yelled as Lucas collapsed with a groan onto the sofa.

"It's not fair", Lucas lamented as he watched the golden words 'Winner' flash across the screen.

"It is fair", Even smirked down at him. "I'm just better than you".

"I call cheating".

"How did I cheat?"

Lucas flailed his arms wildly, like a toddler having a tantrum. "You just did". Even sniggered at the whiny tone.

"Food?" He asked as he headed to the kitchen. He dropped the wii remote onto the sofa cushions as he walked past.

"Cheese toasties?" Lucas asked from his position of defeat. Even took pity on him.

"Sure, spice?"

"Eww no", Lucas sat up and pulled a disgusted face. "That was hideous". Even laughed as he got out the bread. It a fit of a weed induced high, the two of them had made cheese toasties with every single spice Lucas' mom kept in the cupboard. Since Lucas was half Mexican, it was a lot of spice. The be all and end all was that both boys had seriously regretted it.

A bit later, as both boys dig into their toasties, the front door opened with a bang and Andrew's voice filtered through. Even glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 4:26 pm.

"Honey I'm home!" Tobias called loudly as the front door closed. There was the rustling of bags and the two of them came waltzing into the kitchen. They set the piles of bags on the island table and turned to face Lucas and Even.

"Oh cheese toasties!" Andrew exclaimed. He gravitated to where Even has left all the ingredients out. "Want a toastie Tob?" He asked.

Lucas was rummaging through the bags eagerly, the cheesy bread sticking out of his mouth. He unearthed several pieces of clothing and assembled groceries. Even helped him stack the groceries on the table, letting out pleased noises whenever he saw food he liked. "Coffe, pasta, bagels, oh bacon! Twizzlers!" Even stuffed the large bag of sweets under his arm.

"Put them back", Tobias instructed as he flipped his toastie. Even whined but obediently dropped the bag back onto table. "They're for us to share".

Andrew swallows his mouthful and pointed at the bags. "We brought you guys more plain T-shirt's. The grey ones are Lucas' and the white ones are yours Even.  Don't touch the denim jacket, that's mine". Lucas tossed the jacket over and Andrew caught it in one hand and tucked it under his arm.

"Leave the drum sticks", Tobias said. He placed his toastie onto a plate and glanced at the clock. "We should get ready to go to the party. There's only an hour until it starts and we all know that my perfection takes time".

"That's because you use too much hair gel", Even commented. Lucas and Andrew snorted. Tobias glared at him as he bit into the toastie. It was true though, Tobias tended to favour the just out of bed stylish messy hair look. That meant a lot of hair product.

Once the sandwiches were finished, they washed up the pan and placed the plates in the dishwasher. More time was spent placing the shopping away and sorting out the clothes. Even and Andrew argued briefly over the box of guitar picks before counting them up and dividing them equally. By the time they were finished, it was around five thirty and they all separated to get ready.

Even changed from his sweat pants and my chemical romance tshirt into a pair of whitewashed jeans and one of the new shirts that Andrew and Tobias had brought him. A spray with deodorant and a bit of product in his hair finished the look. He pulled on a colourful shirt over the tshirt and went downstairs. Lucas was waiting, already looking bored.

"Really?" Even asked with a raised eyebrow. "You not going to do anything about your hair?" Lucas frowned at him, brown curls wild. He must have only brushed them. He wore a band tshirt with their own band logo on the front, along with skinny black jeans.

"What's wrong with my hair? Yours looks like something from grease". He stuck his tongue out at Even childishly.

"Tween Emo, don't make fun of 90s boy here. You both look like a rival fashion trends", Andrew smirked as he entered the living room. He glanced at both of their outfits pointedly. E

"Hey", Even and Lucas retorted in synch. Even looked down at himself and could admit that he did look like a 90's grunge poster boy. But damn did he make it work.

Andrew was wearing a plain outfit of a white button up and grey skinny jeans. He already had his converse on and was carrying two other pairs of shoes. He tossed the creepers at Even and the black ankle converse at Lucas. The shoes bounced off of the couch cushions and Even picked them up. He loved these shoes.

It took another twenty minutes until Tobias came downstairs. The three of them had spent the time scrolling through their phones and showing each other funny cat videos. When Tobias finally emerged it was with his hair perfectly quaffed. It was artfully gelled back in its usual 'natural but I actually spent half an hour in front of the mirror' look. He had a leather jacket with a navy shirt underneath on top of whit jeans.

"Come on guys", he called as he pulled his boots on. "What are you waiting for?"

When they arrived at the Cullen house, directions sent by Bella, the party was in full swing. It was a pretty house of wood and glass. Far more modern than the band's house. Teens and young adults lingered around the porch and drive in varying stages of drunkenness. They watched as Tobias pulled up and parked the car.

"Who's driving duty?" He asked as they got out. Even shrugged, not particularly feeling the need to drink.

"I'll do it", he volunteered. Lucas crowed and swung an arm over his shoulder.

"Thanks man. I'm going to get a drink". With that parting comment, he bounded ahead and up the porch steps, disappearing into the house. Tobias jogged eagerly after him, leaving Andrew and Even to make their own leisurely pace into the house.

"Bella!" Even called as he spotted the brown haired girl in the living room. It was full of dancing people and the deep base of a pop song resonated through the speakers.

Bella turned and waved them over. "Hello Andrew, Even. I'm glad you could make it. Drinks are in the kitchen and the bathroom is underneath the stairs". She didn't stay longer that that, drifting off to presumably find her boyfriend.

Andrew watched her leave and shrugged. He turned to Even. "What a drink? I can find you a soda". He had to raise his voice to be heard over the music. Even nodded and the older boy disappeared into the crowd.


Anyone seen the tv show, Skam? Even is based off of Even Bech Naesheim, a character of the show. I kept the names the same because I like the name Even, with the double E instead of Evan. My characters in this book is each based off of various favourite characters from books or tv. They are not those character. Their personalities are completely my own and different to their inspiration.

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