42 - Tobias

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He followed Jacob around the house as the tanned boy led the Cullen's back to the car. He wasn't sure why he did but there had been something in Bella's face during their conversation. The way she had been looking at Jacob was strange. Her face held longing, sadness, and maybe even jealously. It had made him uncomfortable and he resisted the urge to reach out and place a hand on the boy's shoulder to stake a claim. The possessiveness inside him had made him pause and hesitate as he watched his wolf lead the others away. 

His wolf. Tobias was only just coming around to the idea that Jacob wanted him with no strings, no ulterior motives. Yeah, the wolf was clumsy about it in a way which was almost charmingly hopeless, like a puppy. It was clear he had never tried to date anyone before and his approach was clumsy and heavy handed. Tobias had made his conditions clear and the other boy was learning. The effort he was making made him feel warm. A small wriggling thought worming it's way into his head that this could be his. That Jacob could look at him the way that Embry looked at Andrew, the way Seth looked at Even and that Leah pretended she didn't look at Lucas, and that Tobias could accept it without feelings of itchiness. That he wasn't waiting for the other shoe to drop or for Jacob to stop pretending and laugh and say it was all a joke. 

He followed them around the house until the gravel drive came into view. The Cullen's were all getting into their cars as Edward leaned against the hood of his Volvo. Bella and Jacob had lingered behind, stopping halfway between the house and the cars. Tobias came around the house and pause. The two people were standing only a few feet apart and Bella was looking up at Jacob's face. He couldn't see her expression from that angle, but he could see his. Jacob looked sad. 

"You told me an Imprint was everything", Bella was saying, her voice just about loud enough for Tobias to catch it. "So what does it mean when you said you love me?" 

Jacob sighed. "Bella", his arms came up to cradle her shoulders and draw her into a hug. She sank into it, folding into his chest. Tobias thought with a sick feeling, that they looked perfect. If it wasn't for Edward watching from the car, then he would have almost forgotten everything else. His eyes caught on gold as the vampire turned to him. The immortal's face was calm despite his girlfriend hugging a wolf, like he had seen this too often to be visibly angry anymore. Tobias swallowed, unsure if it was left over fear from the news or the sight he was seeing that was messing with his stomach. 

Jacob continued speaking. "I do love you. I wasn't lying. An imprint is just more. It's hard to explain", he sighed. "You're dating the vampire". He made an aborted gesture to Edward. 

"You still kissed me. I guess it's strange for me to believe that your feelings could change so suddenly", Bella voiced. Tobias froze. He had known that Jacob'd had a crush on the girl, but he kissed her? Told her he loved her? 

"I imprinted", Jacob stated. It sounded weak. 

" barely see you. I miss my friend. I forgive you for trying to kiss me", Bella tried to turn her words into a joke at the end. Then her voice turned more serious. "Would you have fallen for him without the imprint? How much of this is you and not your wolf? He barely looks at you. Is he treating you right?" Her voice was full of friendly concern but her words seemed to cut straight into all the soft parts of Tobias like arrows. He couldn't bare anymore and turned sharply to walk away. Feet making a sharp noise as the gravel ground under his slipper. It made Jacob look up and the boy's face paled. 


"Bella", Edward called as Jacob let her go and ran after the drummer. "Let's go". 

Tobias pulled the glass door open and stormed up the stairs. Jacob only a few steps behind. "Tobias? Tobias can you listen to me?" The door of his bedroom slammed and cut him off. The brown haired boy leant back against the wood as his stomach churned. His mind whirling as he listened to Even join Jacob outside the door. He managed to get his brother to leave and for a few seconds there was silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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