03 - Andrew

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When the car pulled up at the address they were given, Andrew was the first to jump out. He looked at the place that would be their home for the next year. The house was nice, pretty even. It was slightly off the road, set admits the trees. It was a two story building painted a pale blue. There was a porch with steps leading up to the front door which was shielded by a overhang. The frames were painted white and Andrew pulled a face at the cliche overly suburban decor. But it looked nice and big, which was a plus. He'd had enough having to share rooms with his band mates. They were close and all, but he wanted to finish a book in peace.

Waiting on the porch was a gruff middle aged man and a teen girl. A police cruiser was parked in the drive and Andrew glanced at it. As the other got out and began unloading their luggage, the man and girl walked over.

"I'm chief Swan", The man introduced, as if they couldn't tell from his uniform. "This is my daughter Bella. We're here to welcome you to forks". Bella seemed blank faced but she gave them a small smile.

Tobias stepped forward and shook his hand, stepping into his role as leader. It wasn't really a leadership role, they all made decisions together. Tobias just handled all the social stuff. "Nice to meet you chief Swan. I'm Tobias Sherwood. This is my step brother Even Howe. That's Andrew Bishop, and Lucas Diaz". Andrew nodded at them as Tobias introduced him. Bella was looking them all over curiously. From the glint in her eyes, Andrew guessed that her father had told her about them. She had pale skin and brown hair. She was pretty, in a plain sort of way.

"Nice to meet you boys", Chief Swan nodded at them each in turn. "Your manager called and told me about your circumstances and I've seen you records. Try not to cause chaos or I'll have you down the station". Tobias smiled politely at the warning. Andrew grinned and behind him, Lucas made a 'crossing my heart' motion. Even yawned.

Chief Swan narrowed his eyes at them but held out four sets of keys. "Here's the keys. Welcome to forks". Tobias thanked him and tossed the other three sets of keys to his brothers. Chief Swan grunted and headed towards his police cruiser. Andrew caught his and stuck them in his pocket.

"Are you really the Wildlings?" Bella asked excitedly. Lucas grinned flirtatiously at her. Swan's police cruiser pulled out of the driveway and shot off down the road.

"Yep. I'm Hare".

"I'm Owl", Andrew smiled at her. He gestured to where Even was falling asleep against his suitcase. "He's Hawk".

"And I'm Panther", Tobias finished.

"That's pretty awesome", Bella gushed. "I loved your song Fangs".

"Please don't tell others about us", Andrew asked. "We want to stay anonymous for a reason".

Bella nodded in understanding. "Don't worry", she reassured them. "Only me and my father know. I can keep a secret". Something about her words seemed unusual to Andrew.

"Are you going to need a lift back to town?" He asked as the sound of Chief Swan's engine disappeared.

Bella waved a hand. "Oh no thanks. My boyfriend lives close by, he coming to pick me up". Lucas deflated at the mention of boyfriend. Andrew nodded as Tobias headed towards the house.

"Do you want to come in while you wait?" He asked, gesturing to the newly unlocked front door. Bella thanked him and followed the four boys inside.

The hallway was big and open. Andrew flicked the lights on, illuminating the cream walls and the large wooden stair case. Three massive doorways lead off to different parts of the building. Another staircase under the one leading upstairs lead down into what must be the basement. The whole building smelt of fresh paint and wood.

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