14 - Tobias

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The job he had been talking about earlier was actually a radio interview at a local studio in Seattle. The company was small and had started off doing podcasts. But had gained enough listeners and income to become a radio station. John had only reminded them about it yesterday, cause truthfully Tobias had forgotten. The interview was about their break from touring and their most recent album. It was designed to be nice and smooth, but plans and the band tended to clash. Tobias often wondered why John even let them speak off stage.

They set off around two. The interview also included a live performance so they needed to take their guitars and masks. Tobias was glad that the studio offered to provide a drum kit. It saved them from having to fit one in the boot. The drive was about an hour. Lucas drove. The majority of the time was spent debating about the song choices. Even wanted to preform Leaving it blue. While Andrew and Lucas voted for Sleeping underground. Tobias didn't mind. Even got out voted. He pouted about it for the rest of the journey.

The station was in a nondescript office building. Tobias called John and the man gave them instructions. Lucas parked around the back and they were met by a small ginger woman who introduced her self as Mary. She wore comfortable office wear and met them with a wide smile, shaking each of their hands.

"Thank you for coming, it's great to meet you", She greeted. "The live starts at five, prime rush hour time. We have time to practise the performance and get you guys looking pretty". She led them into the building, talking as she walked. All professional and business like. Andrew and Even carrying their guitars. Each of their masks in their pockets.

Mary led them through a series of corridors and up to a dressing room. Tobias had packed a bag full of outfits ready for interview. Even was terrible at fashion. Anything other than a white tshirt and jeans, he was stuck, and Lucas dressed in old band T-shirts. At lest Andrew was stylish. They got dressed and fitted their masks on before rejoining Mary.

She promptly led them to the recording studio and introduced them to the radio host. He was a bouncy guy in his mid twenties. Tobias was slightly impressed by his Afro.

"Welcome, welcome. It's such an honour to have you guys here. I'm such a huge fan. My name's Adam Scott. I'll be interviewing you".

Lucas took a liking o him immediately. They got into a animated conversation about Adam's job. Tobias let it continue as assistants messed with the technology. He turned to the drum kit set up in the corner of the room. The room itself was mainly occupied by a desk with several mics, one for each person. The other half had mic stands and wires for the instruments.

Even and Andrew were messing with their guitars, getting them tuned and plugged in. Tobias took out his favourites drum sticks and tapped them lightly on each drum. He always did this. When asked, it was to get a feel fro the instrument. But actually he was just bored.

They ran several sound checks. Playing various parts of the song to try out the recording and resonance. Some assistants assembled a few cameras in various points of the room to film the interview and performance. Since they were going to be filmed, the band had to keep their masks on. Tobias knew that before they had scheduled the interview, manger John and their company had the station sign confidentiality agreements not to reveal their identities. It may have been a little overboard but Tobias knew that they valued their privacy.

Soon it was time for the interview to start. They were all wired up and a red light turned on, showing that they were live. Adam gave them all a wide white toothed smile. "Hello listeners. It's Adam Scott for the rush hour slot here in Seattle. I've got a surprise for you today. Here after the end of their six month long tour to talk us, it's the up and coming band Wildlings!" He clapped enthusiastically. Tobias grinned, feeling the other doing the same.

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