25- Even

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Even's phone buzzed as he walked down the steps to the basement. It was late morning and he had a cup of hot coffee in one hand. He flicked the light switches with his free hand and walked through the room to place his coffee on top of a set of drawers. He pulled out his phone as I vibrated a second time. Two new texts on his screen. It was Seth.

Hi. I saw your new cover. It was really good.

How are you?

Even sighed and placed the phone face down on the wood. He didn't know what to do. Today was the last day of seclusion, as they had agreed. Any more hiding from their new friends would just be suspicious and the band did not want to arouse any suspicion yet. Despite their confidence and Andrew's plans, Even was still nervous. He felt like they were way out of their depth here. They were getting into something that Even would have preferred to be left out of. Tobias, Andrew and Lucas hadn't seen the red headed woman. They didn't know how scary she was, how fast and inhuman.

She could have killed him, Even was sure of that. She could have killed him in that moment and his brother's would have been none the wiser until the next morning. The thought made a shiver trace up his spine. And then there was Gabriel. The nasty bastard was also out there somewhere and he would be coming back. They all knew it but there was nothing much they could do until he showed his face. That wasn't a pleasant thought either.

Even pulled a face as his phone buzzed once more. Frustratedly, he flipped it over and unlocked it. The text bubble seemed innocent.

Do you want to hang out at some point? When you're free of course.

The irritation faded as Even sighed deeply through his nose. Seth was cute. Seth was nice. He was adorable and friendly and seemed to be really lovely, not that Even knew him that much yet. (The high cuddle session didn't count as he had been asleep through most of that). The younger boy had the potential of being a good friend. Even just wasn't fond of the idea of the kid keeping secrets from him. Whatever was going on with Jacob and Bella and the others, wether it be weird fantasy wolf shit or just gang related stuff, Seth was also involved.

Even did not like being lied too.

After a minute of silent thinking he typed out a response.

I'm okay. Busy working on some new songs, sorry.
Glad you liked the cover.
We're having a party on friday at nine. You and your sister are invited.
Andrew is inviting Embry, Quil and Jacob.

It did not take long for Seth's response to come through. Even wondered if Seth was waiting by his phone, eagerly awaiting a reply. Maybe he was, judging from the speed of his texts.

I won't interrupt you if you're working.
Lia and I would love to come to the party. Any occasion?
See you on Friday.

Was it hero worship? Seth looking up to him because they were a famous band? Or was it that stupid imprinting thing Andrew had overheard? The idea of it being either of those things pissed Even off.

Andrew's birthday. No need to bring presents.

Even then flipped the phone back over and silence it, not willing to continue the conversation. He needed to get answers before the sour confused feelings would fade. He took a large drink of his coffee and stood up. He had a cover song to film and a live stream to do. They will keep him occupied.

He spent the rest of the morning setting up the camera and laptop and messing with the lighting. Andrew came downstairs to bring him a cup of ramen for lunch. He set it down next to the now empty cup of coffee and pulled over a chair so that he could sit behind the camera. Even thanked him and put down his acoustic guitar so that he could eat. Chicken noodles with spinach and sweet corn. Just as he like it.

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