17- Even

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Even sat in the back of a ambulance as people bustled around him. His feet dangling over the ground as he watched the bustle around the house. A medic was examining the rapidly forming bruises around his throat and there was a burn on his ear from where Gabriel has been waving the lighter. Behind him, Tobias was having his back checked by another medic for splinters. He had been winded pretty nastily from the fall and his breath was still slightly wheezy. Lucas had already been treated for the bruise on his cheek and cream had been applied for the swelling. He was a short distance away with Chief Swan, giving a statement. Neither Tobias and Even in the best state to talk. Next to the ambulance, Andrew was pacing as he muttered hastily down the phone.

He, being the most able of them, was stuck on parent duty. He was the one having to call all their parents and inform them of what happened, then he'd have to call Manager John. Even had not liked being strangled, but the thought of talking to Lucas' mother, scared the shit out of him. He watched as Andrew visibly winced, a amused smile forming on his face. After several more minutes, Andrew visibly gave up and walked over to pass the phone to Lucas. Embry, who was been watching the whole mess silently at Andrew's side, pulled out his own phone and stepped away.

"I've told your parents", Andrew sighed. The medic finished applying cream to Even's bruises and burns. They nodded at him and passed him down a shock blanket, which Andrew wrapped protectively round Even's shoulders. His face sad and guilty. "I should have been here".

"It's not your fault Drew", Tobias responded breathily, breaking off with annoyed noise as the medic rubbed alcohol into the cuts on his back. Even lent forwards and pressed his forehead onto Andrew's shoulder. He was far more shaken than he would like to admit. Gabriel never failing to trigger his anxiety. Even hated it, the way he would start shaking every time the man turned up.

Andrew sighed and let Even lean on him. The blonde needing positive physical contact. Lucas came over, still talking down the phone. "Yes Ma. I'm fine Ma. There's no need for you to book a flight. We're all okay, just a little shaken. Yes we will get some friends to stay with us for the night. I'll call you in the morning. Yes, The Sherwood's have agreed to pay for fixing the house. No, it was just the glass doors and Even's bedroom furniture". The high pitched voice became even more shrill at the mention of Even's bedroom. Lucas winced and held the phone away from his face for a minute. "No! Maaaa. Fine! I'll turn it to video so you can see everyone. Just don't over react". He pressed a few buttons then held the phone up. The screen flickered and Sally Diaz appeared.

She was a woman in her late forties. With long greying curly hair wrapped up in a shawl and tanned skin. She was a small plump woman but beautiful all the same. Currently she was in her pink floral patterned dressing gown, eyes tired and creased with worry. Even smiled and waved, removing his head from Andrew's shoulder. Tobias moved away from the medic to shuffle closer so that he was in view of the camera. Sally tutted at the sight of them, her face sad. "Oh my poor babies! Look at you! When I get my hands on that stupid son of mine, I'm going to"- she dissolved into a string of violent Spanish curses that had Lucas whitening. Even relaxed at the sound of her voice, trying to not giggle at her anger.

Sally had been like a second mother to them all growing up. Tobias' and Even's parents were always loving and supportive but they were often busy, flying round the world for their corporate jobs. While Andrew's dad never really paid them much attention and his mother was out of the picture. Sally had half adopted them all. It was her house where they had the first of their band practises. Her waiting with delicious food at the end of it. The sight of her made them all relax, her voice soothing despite the anger in her tone. Not for the first time, Even wondered how a person like Gabriel had come from her.

"Ma!" Lucas cried as the Spanish curses continued. Tobias was chuckling and Andrew was smiling.

"Oh darlings. I can book a plane out right this minute. Just let me know. What did the Sherwood's say?"

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