07- Andrew

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The party wasn't too bad, Andrew surmised. It was like most parties. Crowded with teenagers, cheap alcohol and the latest hits as music. He had recognised their band's songs being played and could guess that Lucas was dancing to it somewhere. He hadn't seen Even since he had given him his drink, and Tobias had also disappeared. That was fine, he didn't mind chilling by himself.

Andrew relaxed back against a blank patch of wall in the hallway. It was across from the kitchen but also nicely out of the way. He could watch the party without being too noticeable. Feeling slightly sticky with the heat, he unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up his sleeves as he watched the room.

His eyes drifted over the random teens, probably locals to the area. Andrew was just glancing towards the stairs when a boy coming from the back of the house got his attention. The guy was tall and tanned. Andrew wondered why he was only wearing jeans and a T-shirt and how he was not cold. He took a sip of whatever cider he had in cup and when he looked back up, the guy's eyes were on him. Their gazes met and Andrew looked away.

"Hi, I'm Embry", a deep voice said over the music. The guy had walked over. Andrew noticed that they were about the same height.

"Hi, I'm Andrew", Andrew greeted back politely. He fell silent as Embry leaned back against the wall next to him. The guy looked nervous and he couldn't stop staring at Andrew.

"What?" Andrew asked curiously. "What are you looking at?"

Embry hurriedly ducked his head down. "Nothing. I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?"

Andrew took pity on the other and nodded. "Yeah. Me and three of my friends moved into a shared house about five days ago. Do you live on the reservation?"

"Yeah", Embry answered. "Who's your mates?" He asked slowly but curiously.

"They're my childhood friends. We're like brothers", Andrew replies as he swallowed a mouthful of his drink. It was making him tipsy and he quite liked the sensation. "Do you have brothers?" He asked.

Embry nodded. "Yeah, were not related but they're like my brothers". Andrew could relate.

They were silent for a moment, watching the party. Tobias passed by and Andrew raised his cup at him as he waved. "That one of them?" Embry asked, seeing the interaction.

"Yeah", Andrew answered. "That's Tobias. The other two are probably dancing". Embry nodded.

"So", he said slowly, Andrew looked over at him. His features were mostly obscured by the flashing lights, but he could see high cheekbones and dark hair. "Why did you come to forks?"

"Well", Andrew smiled, finding his thought process amusing. "It was a deal. We did our work but had to live somewhere small and where we couldn't cause chaos".

"What sort of chaos?" Embry asked. He had a small smile stretching his lips. Andrew thought that it looked nice.

"Crazy chaos. You know what Tolkien said. It simply isn't a adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons", Andrew laughed at his own joke.

Embry's brow furrowed. "Who's Tolkien?" Andrew's laughter fades and his mood soured. He looked at him in annoyance.

"You've got to be kidding me", he stared. Embry shrugged. "You don't know Tolkien. J.R.R.Tolkien? Lord of the rings? The hobbit? Really?" Embry just looked at him blankly.

Mood successfully ruined, Andrew knocked his drink back. "No thanks", he muttered. "I'm going to go and find my friends. Talk to me again when you're more educated". Normally, Andrew wouldn't be so rude but he was tipsy and didn't care. He loved Tolkien and the fact that someone had never even heard of lord of the rings really irked him. Leaving Embry in the hall, he walked outside.

Andrew woke up the next day with a dry mouth and itchy eyes. He got up and went downstairs to boil the kettle. Even turned up about half an hour later, around ten in the morning. The blonde was in his usual zombie like state before coffee. Andrew lifted his face up from his novel, The False Prince by Jennifer A Nelson, and watched as Even made coffee.

When he was done and had downed half his mug, Even sat down opposite Andrew at the kitchen isle. "Morning", Even mumbled.

"Morning", Andrew replied as he sipped his tea. He felt more rejuvenated now that he had his tea. "I was thinking of going down to the beach on the reservation. Apparently it's good. Also, it's nearer to us then forks".

"I'll bring my guitar", Even sighed. He was not one for messing around outside. "Well tell the other two when they wake up".

The had to wait over another hour for those two to emerge. They arrive around the same time, both in various states of hungover. Tobias seemed the better one. He was in Pyjama pants and a fluffy dressing gown. Lucas was still in his boxers and T-shirt from yesterday. They both stumbled towards the kettle and clumsily made themselves their coffee.

Even, who was now awake and caffeinated, laughed at their disheveled states. He waited until they had both drank half their mugs before speaking. Andrew closed his book and looked up. "We were thinking of dropping by the reservation today. Check out the beach".

"That seems cool", Lucas muttered. He rubbed his forehead and groaned. "But after breakfast and aspirin please".

"I second that, definitely not before breakfast", Tobias seconded. He frowned at them. "What's the time?"

"Quarter to twelve", Andrew answered. "We have cereal".

"Fruit loop?" Even asked. He got up and pulled the box from the cupboard. He shook it at them and they nodded. Bowls were distributed around the table and soon they were all munching on the coloured circles.

Tobias and Lucas seemed to perk up now that they had food in them. Soon they all split up to get dressed. Even and Lucas took over the showers, Tobias and Andrew having washed the night before. Soon enough they were heading out of the front door.

"I'll drive", Andrew volunteered, taking pity on his still sleepy friends. The others all piled in, Even putting his guitar case in the boot. Tobias had also brought his drumsticks and they stuck out of his coat pocket.

"Alright, you guys seatbelted?" Andrew asked.

"Yes mum!" Even and Lucas chorused from the back. Tobias sniggered.


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