11 - Andrew

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"Why is Thorin such a grump?" (Embry)

"Yeah, he's so rude". (Jacob)

"How many times has Bilbo almost died?" (Lucas)

"Lucas move your pointy elbows!" (Tobias)

"Oi Jacob, stop hogging all the crisps!" (Quil)

"Yay the eagles!" (Seth)

"Who will die for legolas' hair? Cause I certainly will". (Even)

"Even, you're blonde enough as it is. You don't need to be any more like draco Malfoy. Stay away from the elf. He's way outta your league". (Lucas)

"dere kan alle dø i et hull". (Even)

"What are the elves even doing? They aren't in the book".

"Shut up Andrew". (Tobias)

"Now that is a dragon. I like that dragon". (Embry)

"Boys are idiots. The only character I like is Tauriel. At lest she kicks ass".  (Leah)

"Aww the dwarf is in love. How does that height difference work?"

"Shut up Lucas". (Andrew).

"That's one ugly orc". (Jacob).

"Who ate all the popcorn?" (Tobias).

What the fuck? They killed Fili!". (Embry)

"Wait". (Even).

"Legolas defies physics". (Seth)

"He's so pretty. Kill him Legolas!" (Even)

"We're here to watch a movie, not listen to you thirst". (Andrew).

"Now that was cool". (Leah).

"What the fuck? Now Kili and Thorin are dead? That's so sad". (Embry)

"I know right! That's cruel. The girl elf is so sad". (Jacob).

"Why does this feel so much? Even Leah is sad". (Embry)

"fuck off". (Leah).

"Aww guys. I never knew you were such romantics". (Quil).

"Shut your mouth Quil". (Jacob and Embry).

As the credits of The hobbit- Battle of five armies began to scroll across the screen, Andrew rose and stretched. His muscles were stiff from hours of sitting down. His spine cracked satisfyingly as he bent back, robe coming loose and billowing out behind him. There was a cough behind him as he strolled over to the DVD player. The whole day had crept past. The sky had darkened and the moon had come out. It cast silvery shadows across the floor and across everyone's faces. There had been breaks for food and bathroom runs they had still watched through all three hobbit movies.

Andrew the others had underestimated the amount of food their guests could eat. The three boys and Leah had made their way through half of the fridge easily. Tobias and Even had watched with undisguised fascination. The two stepbrothers were the worst at eating, so seeing others eat so much left them in awe. Andrew didn't care. They had enough money and time to go and buy more food tomorrow anyway.

"There you go", Andrew grinned over at Embry as he turned off the tv. "There's the first three movies. What did you think?"

Embry shrugged, a slow grin crossing his lips. He held Andrew's gaze with a fierceness that made him want to blush. Andrew wanted to know what he was thinking. "It was good", Embry said slowly. "Much better than I expected. The action scenes were really awesome".

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