35- Andrew

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Watching Embry and his friends devour the mountain of breakfast Andrew had just cooked was slightly awe inspiring. He had seen the Wolf boys (and Leah) eat before. They had fed them before but seeing the whole pack eating together at once was a whole new level of chaotic. The band and Emily had to approach the plates with quick careful strikes. Luckily the band were used to fighting over food with each other and were able to grab their food. Sam had saved Emily by sharing out the breakfast to her first before letting the Wolves have at it. It was a kind gesture. The band boys were left to fend for themselves.

One of the new Wolves, Jared, made a shocked nose as Even jabbed at him with his fork. Jared jerked his hand back and Even snatched up the last piece of bacon. Seth was laughing at the shocked look on Jared's face as Even stuffed the whole piece into his mouth. Andrew chuckled over the rim of his second mug of tea as Even smirked triumphantly at him. "Careful", Tobias remarked. "He is wild". Most of the table snorted at the reference.

"He's got fangs", Lucas added. He hissed and grinned widely. There was another round of giggles.

"I don't understand", Emily voiced. Andrew exhaled a light laugh. The other Wolves also were looking confused.

"Can we tell them?" Seth asked excitedly. "Please? They can keep it quiet".

"Sure", Tobias shrugged. Seth turned to Even and the blonde nodded.

"They're a band", Seth announced.

"Yeah", Paul nodded. He was a tall guy around Sam's age with a resting grumpy face. "I guessed due to the musical we walked into earlier".

"Well they're famous", Seth grinned. "Our imprints are famous. It's so cool".

"It's not that cool", Even muttered with a flush. He bit his toast.

"Unfortunately the fame comes with bad sides", Tobias scowled.

Jacob growled. "Gabriel". The band all flinched.

"Was that the vampire who got into your house?" Jared asked.

"He's my older brother", Lucas explained slowly. "But he's an obsessed stalker and now he's an obsessed vampire stalker".

"Yay", Andrew muttered, voice desolate with trauma and completely bland humour. Even snorted and choked on his toast. Tobias his his grin behind his mug as Lucas giggled.

Sam looked over them with an assessing eye. He seemed curious and slightly stressed. At his side Emily was watching the conversation with calm but worried eyes. Paul and Jared were both scowling at their thoughts and the other Wolves were tense at the subject. Tobias took a swig of his mug then put it on the table with a clatter, disturbing the sudden silence that had fallen over them. "Right", he spoke calmly as he looked over at Sam. "I understand that you are the pack leader". Sam nodded. "Well we want to know what's going on. We know that the Cullens are vampires, our neighbours by the way. And that there's a red haired vampire running round the woods".

"She freaked the hell out of me", Even shrugged.

"And that you guys are all giant freaking Wolves. But what is going on? Because our stalker fled into the woods two months ago and now he's come back as a vampire and left dead animals in our rooms". Andrew shivered at the memory. Gabriel standing in the corner of his room with pale skin and blood red eyes. He took a sip of his tea to bring himself back to the present.

"We need to know. We deserve to know", Even added. "Because there's only a thin thread stopping us from packing up and fleeing back to New York".

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