13 - Even

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Even had decided that he didn't like walking. His movements were shaky, probably the influence of the drugs, and the world was bright. It could be worse. Weed didn't always make for a fan experience. Luckily this was one of the fun times.

They were being led back down the road to their house. Jacob, Embry, Seth and Leah chaperoning both high boys. The three boys were amused, Leah seemed annoyed. The night moon casting silvery shadows over the road. It was full and bright tonight.

"Seeeetttthhhhh", Even whined. He stumbled slightly to the right and made grabby hands in the boy's direction. Why he was asking Seth, when there were was Jacob and Embry walking behind him, he didn't know. The younger boy was nearer and he was cute. The fact that he had no shirt helped. The fact that none of the boys had no shirts was a definite bonus.

"bær meg hjem. Seeethhh bær meg".

Seth caught Even gently around the waist as he stumbled again, laughing slightly at Even's words. "Lucas, what is he saying?" He turned to the curly haired boy being marched between Jacob and Embry. Lucas still had the sign pole gripped between his hands, a wide proud grin on his face.

Lucas squinted at a giggling Even, pausing in his terrible flirting. Seth got the sense that Leah found it funny. "He wants you to carry him", he answered. The drugs were starting to wear off. He was rather more sensible than he was five minutes ago. Everyone was grateful, but it still did not make the cheesy pick up lines stop.

Even nodded at Lucas' words and made grabby hands again. Leah sniggered as Seth blushed. "Go on Seth", she called. "Carry him before the blonde falls over". Seth sighed but bent over in front of Even. The boy draped himself over his back and Seth pulled him into a piggy back position. Even giggled into Seth's ear, breath ghosting his neck. The blonde was taller by a few inches, but Seth was broader and was able to lift his lanky form easily.

"We are always tasting our own tongues", Lucas voiced behind them. "Would you mind if I tasted yours for a change?" There was a groan of disgust from Leah and Seth laughed. Jacob and Embry were not so subtly sniggering.

"Comfortable Even?" Embry asked. He winked cheekily at Seth.

"You're so warm", Even slurred. He yawned and buried his nose deeper into the gap between his arm and Seth's neck. The boy was so warm. Even hadn't realised that he was cold. Seth chuckled, the vibration a deep rumble.

A softer tree and the crunch of gravel showed that Even's ride had turned off the road and was now walking up the driveway. Behind them, Lucas' voice trailed off as he sped up. Even watched as his brother skipped ahead and stabbed his sign into the Earth next to the front door with a flourish.

"We have a sign!" He yelled loudly with a cheer. Even yawned again.

Laughing, Embry and Jacob helped Lucas up the porch steps. The lights were still on which indicated that neither Tobias or Andrew had decided to go on a late evening walk. Embry rang the door bell. There was a banging from inside and a crash.

The door opened a crack and half of Andrew's face appeared in the gap. He was obviously in his normal state of mind again, brownies having worn off. Even always had the lowest tolerance out of the four. "No officer, I have no idea about any signs. Anything Lucas has done was nothing to do with us"- he broke off upon seeing Embry's grin. "Oh it's you guys".

A shout came from inside. "Joseph! Jacob! Tell them that they are not allowed our brownies!" Tobias was obviously still high.

Andrew sighed and opened the door wider. "Come in. Thanks for finding Even and Lucas. They're normally picked up by cops".

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