21 - Even

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"You don't need to keep hanging around here guys", Tobias voiced one morning. It had been almost two weeks since the incident with Gabriel, and a full week since the overheard conversation between Jacob and Bella. Most of the time had been the band in the basement practising the two cover songs they had decided. Still, at lest two people hung around the house each day. Seth, Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Leah all switching between guard duty. While the boys appreciated it, it was weird. Their patience was straining and the tension since incident was only growing.

Lucas didn't flirt as much with Leah as before. Tobias had become even more closed off to Jacob's advances. Andrew was flimsy and Even had stopped his casual touches. They didn't joke around so much anymore. The band working on their own thing while their guests lingered on the corners or did something else.

"Yeah", Lucas added. "While it's fun having you here, your company always a charm Leah". He grinned at her. "- Don't you have other stuff to do other than shadow us? I'm sure your families or your jobs will be missing you". It was the weekend so everyone was there. Jacob, Embry and Seth all frowned at them from the other end of the sofa. Leah's face was as unreadable as usual but Even got the sense that she was just waiting for a reaction.

It was Quil who spoke first. He shrugged lazily. "Not really. Our families are used to having us out of the house often. We work on maintaining pac- tribe lands. Our boss Sam gave us the time off. He understands". His friends all nodded.

"Besides", Jacob voiced. "What if we leave and Gabriel comes back?" Even winced as Tobias frowned. His older brother was fiercely independent and quite proud. Also, he had been a bit grumpy lately because of the lack of news on Gabriel. The guy had disappeared into the wind, much to everyone's concern. Jacob had just insinuated that they couldn't take care of themselves. Ouch.

"We can take care of ourselves just fine", Tobias stated sharply. Even saw Jacob's face fell as he realised what he had said.

"Oh no! I didn't mean it like that"-

"I get it", Tobias snapped, cutting Jacob off. He stood and stretched. "You guys ready for the first take of the Halsey cover?" He asked the rest of them. Lucas and Andrew both nodded, rising from his seats.

"Maybe you guys should come back tomorrow", Even advised the group. "No hard feelings. We're all just unused to this". He gestured to the air around them. Embry's face fell slightly. For a minute, Even felt sorry. He had been trying to ask Andrew out on another date but Andrew had been brushing it off. Even knew that it was because of the talk they'd had. Andrew was scared of committing to a relationship then having it destroyed by their career. It had happened before, to all of them. It was why Lucas slept around, why Tobias didn't date anymore. But Andrew couldn't hold Embry off for a year. It would dissolve eventually.

"We're unused to a lot of people hanging around us all the time", Even clarified. "I mean the same people. Lots of different people, sure. But the same people around and being reliable, not so common". He grinned at them, trying to lessen the depression of the statement through humour. "We're just out of practise with friends. And it's been a lot. So forgive Tobias for his attitude. We just need some space".

"Gabriel really hurt you all, didn't he?" Even jumped at Leah's voice. He turned and met her gaze. Her brown eyes seemingly seeing right through him.

Breaking contact, he ran a hand through his hair with a shaky laugh. "Yeah. Sorry guys. But please eat your own food for a day", he joked.

"Don't tell my mum this", Quil grinned. "But Tobias' and Andrew's cooking is far better than hers".

"Better than my dad's too", Jacob agreed. He exchanged looks with Embry and Quil, a sort of silent argument passing between them. Jacob then let out a long sigh. "But I suppose I could stomach it for another day".

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