32- Lucas

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Lucas awoke to screaming. He jerked up as the screaming doubled. A second voice joining in the frantic cries. It sounded like Even and Andrew. (Even was a bit of a scary cat when it came to horror movies and jump scares so Lucas had heard him screaming dozens of times. But Andrew was not scared of very much and when he was scared he tended to go quiet rather than scream. The fact that he was screaming now was the true oh worrying part). Lucas rolled out of bed, one arm reaching for the lamp on his bedside table as he put his feet down. There was his mistake.

His feet landed in a puddle of cold wet stickiness. Lucas jerked them back up in disgust then the smell hit him. Iron. Rich and deep and sickening. Anxiety bubbled in his stomach, fear and suspense creeping up. It smelt like a butchers shop and warning alarms began to ring in his head as he flicked on the lamp. Instantly light bathed the room and he let out a terrified yelp, barely stopping himself from screaming as he saw what he had just stepped in.

His carpet was a pale blue. Or it had been when they moved in. Now it was stained a deep reddish brown in places. Blood seeping in patches across the floor. He had put his feet in a puddle and the liquid had stained his feet. It made him feel sick and the lump in the middle of the floor cause him to gag. It was a rabbit. The head lying a few feet away from the mangled shape of it's body. Lucas clamped a hand over his mouth in disgust and horror. He had seen dead animals before but not like this. Not all over his bedroom floor in mutilated lumps. Then the realisation dawned. Someone had broke into their house and snuck into his room to kill the rabbit right next to him while he slept.

Lucas gaged again and only just managed to stop himself from throwing up. He shook himself and grabbed his phone. The screaming had stopped and there was the bang of a bedroom door slamming. Lucas stumbled to his feet, trying to avoid the blood and raced to the door. He pulled it open and this time he did scream. The shriek of terror leaving his mouth before he could stop it.

"Fucking hell!" Even yelled, jumping back from where he had been reaching for Lucas' door. The blonde was pale and shaking slightly. But that wasn't the thing that made Lucas freak. It was the blood coating Even's pyjamas. The red staining his white tshirt and grey trousers. It was streaked across his hands and some was staining his face. It was even in his hair. The colour bright against the blonde.

Lucas didn't care. He stepped forwards and pulled the boy into a hug, feeling Even's breath hitch slightly as he shook. "Andrew!" He called as he kept Even pulled closely to his side. They needed to get the others. This situation was beyond terrifying. "Tobias! Andrew!"

There was a clatter from Tobias' room then the door burst open. Tobias stumbled out, eyes blinking wildly. Lucas and Even reached for him and pulled him close. Blood stained Tobias feet and trousers but he wasn't as messy as Even. "What's going on?" He gasped. "There's a dead cat in my room and someone broke my glasses. I can't see for shit". He pressed his forehead to Even's shoulder, using the taller boy to keep himself steady in what must be a lot of blurriness.

Lucas pressed his lips together. "I'm going to get Andrew. Stay here". Tobias wasn't in any shape to tackle the stairs and Even was on the verge of a panic attack. Lucas was pretty sure that he was on the verge of a panic attack himself but he didn't want to think about that right now.

"No", Tobias shook his head. "We shall all go". His voice caught, revealing that he was just as scared as them but trying to keep it together. It was one of the reasons why Lucas respected and loved his brother.

They were just shuffling towards Andrew's door, when a crash sounded inside. Lucas let go of Even and Tobias to throw himself forwards and grab the door handle. The door swung open and he fumbled for the light switch. It flicked on and Lucas made a noise in the back of his throat. Andrew was sat up against the headboard of his bed, frozen in visible fear. Above him was an owl. It was hung, wings suspended as if in mid flight directly over the bed. Blood was dripping from the hole in it's chest onto the sheets. There were dried trails on Andrew's face and chest. Lucas didn't blame him for screaming. He would too if he woke up to blood dripping on his face.

"Andrew", Lucas called. Andrew blinked and made a noise before he was scrambling over the covers towards them. He collided with them with a oof, hands instantly grabbing for their arms. The four boys clung to each other for a few seconds. All of them pale and shaky from adrenaline. The touch reassuring them that they were there and okay.

"Let's get downstairs", Tobias voiced after a second. "We can talk once we're away from this. Has anyone grabbed their phone?"

"I don't want to go back in there", Even murmured. Andrew made a noise of agreement.

"I have mine", Lucas held up the device. Tobias squinted at it and nodded. Together they all shuffled to the stairs like some eight legged monster, non of them wanting to let go. It took some navigation and switching on every light as they passed before they had managed to get down into the basement. Tobias locking the door behind them. The sound of the lock sliding into place making them all relax slightly in relief.

"What happened?" Tobias asked. They had finally managed to let go of each other and spread out across the room. Andrew was pacing, wringing his hands as he walked. Lucas collapsed into one of their bean bags and pressed his head in between his knees. Taking deep breaths to slow down the panicky jumping of his pulse. Even had moved towards his guitar and was sat on the floor next to it's stand as he rubbed his fingers up and down the strings comfortingly.

Tobias was squinting round the room, still ruffled from sleep. He almost tripped over a bean bag before deciding to sit down. He turn his head around in their general directions. (He was completely short sighted without his glasses). "Even?" He called gently. "Even, why are you covered in blood?"

"I woke up to Andrew screaming", Even's voice was soft and slightly distant. The e string twanged as he plucked it. "I got my feet tangled in the blankets and fell out of bed. There was blood all over the floor and I slipped".

"I should call Leah", Lucas mumbled into his knees. "The Wolves will know what to do".

"We should call Edward Cullen too", Andrew's voice made them all turn. He had stopped pacing and his eyes were wide. He swallowed. "It was Gabriel. I saw him for a second in my room. He was there one glance and then he was gone". He paused to take a shaky breath. "But he didn't look human. He looked like the Cullens except his eyes, his eyes were red".

Silence fell over them. Lucas felt dread make a home in his stomach. Shakily, he picked up his phone and pressed dial on Leah's number. It rang loudly in the silence, the call set to speaker. Once, twice. Then there was the click of it being picked up. "Why the hell are you calling me at two in the morning? I only just got back from patrol", Leah's voice grumbled down the line. At any other time Lucas might have thought her sleepy voice cute, but dread and fear were still in his chest. He licked his lips, unsure of what to say.

Leah paused at the lack of reply. There was the sound of movement down the line. "Lucas?" She asked, tone softer and more awake. She must have been able to tell that there was something wrong. "Lucas?"

Lucas breathed out shakily then took a sharp breath. "Leah. Leah can you call the others and come here. Maybe your pack leader too? Please".

"Lucas what's wrong?"

"Leah", Tobias spoke up. "Leah something happened. We are unharmed but I don't think we're very safe. It's Gabriel. He's back and", he paused and glanced round at all of them. "I don't think he's human anymore".


An: Gabriel really likes to strike suddenly doesn't he? 0-100 really fast.

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