10- Tobias

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Wednesday arrived sooner than any of the boys anticipated. The four of them had actually started working and getting organised. They had to produce at lest one album by the end of the year. The company wanted more but Tobias had not promised anything but another album. This was their break from the constant tours and travelling. They needed the downtime.

They were all in the basement studio when the doorbell rang. They had been working on making an acoustic cover of Chaos Coronation and had forgotten the time. Even looked up from his guitar, song stopping abruptly. Lucas' voice trailed off as Andrew hit the stop button on the sound booth. The red light blinked off as it stopped recording. Tobias looked up as the doorbell rang again. "Is it Wednesday already?" He asked. He glanced at the clock. 11:15 am.

"Yeah", Andrew muttered. He rose from his seat and tucked his dressing gown around him, a long black cotton thing. They were all in their pyjamas still, not seeing the point of getting changed to work in their own house. Even and Lucas scrambled to their feet and hurried out of the recording room. They were both only in boxers and T-shirt's. Tobias sighed as they scrambled upstairs. He was glad that he always wore presentable pjs. Andrew chuckled, fully clothed in a pair of sweatpants and his dressing gown.

"Shall we get it?" He asked. Tobias stood up and together, they went upstairs to the hall. Tobias opened the front door to meet five people standing on the porch. Jacob and Embry where both in front. They were all clothed comfortably for a day of watching movies. Jacob's face lit up with a grin as Tobias scratched at his bed head.

"Hey Tobias", he greeted.

"Hey guys", Tobias smiled. "We completely lost track of time. Hope you don't mind our pyjamas".

"We're just watching movies", Embry spoke up. He smiled as Tobias held the door open for them. "It's your own house anyway". They all entered. Quil, Seth and Leah following up behind. Leah had her resting cold face on but she didn't seem to unhappy about being here. Seth was bouncing a little on the balls of his feet, looking around eagerly.

Jacob looked Tobias up and down. A smirk formed on his face. "Starwars pyjamas?"

"Shut up", Tobias scowled. Jacob tired not to chuckle. With his glasses, baggy pjs and messier than usual bed head Tobias looked sort of soft. A bit of a step down from his perfectly groomed attire. Tobias liked to look good. But his hair was always looking as if he had just gotten out of bed.

"Do you guys want any drinks or anything?" Andrew asked, sticking his head out of the kitchen door. He hadn't bothered to tie up his dressing gown, completely unfazed about his bare chest. Tobias pretended to ignore how Embry stilled for a second.

"Any pop?" Quil asked. He nudged Embry in the side with a sly grin. Tobias gestured around.

"Make yourselves at home", he stated. "Just don't go into the basement. We were working and would prefer for it to be left untouched. Even and Lucas are upstairs but will be down in a moment". A thud sounded from upstairs. Probably Lucas tripping over his own feet. Everyone looked up at the noise.

"Ignore them", Tobias sighed as they all entered the kitchen. Andrew was pouring glasses of coke.

"I'm glad you guys came", he commented as Tobias took a seat at the island. "Your the first friends we've met since moving here. Apart from Bella swan".

The group's faces changed at the mention of Bella. Jacob looked happy at the news, while Leah scowled. "You met Bella?" He asked.

"Briefly", Tobias muttered as he stretched. "Her dad had to give us the keys when we arrived". They nodded, accepting his explanation. Another thud sounded form upstairs and feet pounded down the stairs. Even and Lucas tumbled into the kitchen sweatpants now over their legs. Even had a rolled up bandana pushing his floppy blonde hair out of his face.

"Hey", he greeted, veering straight towards the coke glasses. He handed them around. "Sorry about that, we still haven't finished fully unpacking everything".

"You settling in okay?" Seth asked. Even smiled at him.

"Yeah. I just knocked over a few boxes".

"Shall we moved to the tv?" Andrew asked. Lucas hadn't said anything, too busy downing his coke. They all headed around the corner to the massive sofa and flat screen.

"Wow", Quil whistled. "Nice tv. You guys must be rich".

Leah glanced at them suspiciously. "How do you guys have this much money anyway?"

"Tobias' dad owns a company", Lucas shrugged.

Tobias huffed and adjusted his glasses. "Our job pays pretty well too".

"What do you guys do anyway?" Leah asked as they all gathered on the couch. Even had flopped unceremoniously on to the leather and everyone followed his example. Tobias curled up next to his brother, Lucas bouncing at his side. Seth took Even's other side with Jacob next to him. Embry and Quil sat next to Lucas while Leah perched furthest away. Andrew was messing with the DVD player.

Tobias shrugged in answer to Leah's question. "Just some small stuff. Most of its family money", he lied. Leah gave them all a suspicious look. Lucas beamed at her and she turned her face away with a snort.

"We're going to be here a while", Andrew warned as the title of the first hobbit movie covered the screen. "The bathroom is the door to your right in the hall. There will be intervals for snacks and food".

Even raised his arm. "How much snacks do we have again?"

"We shopped yesterday", Tobias reminded him. They were well stocked. Having to feed four growing energetic boys, they had brought a bunch of food. Although, looking at the others, he did wonder if they had enough. Looking at the size of Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Seth, they might have to shop again tomorrow.

"I want Cheetos", Lucas whined.

Andrew placed his hands on his hips with a sigh. He looked at Lucas like a tired sibling with one eyebrow raised. "Ignore Lucas, You guys want anything?" He asked the others. Tobias sniggered as Embry swallowed visibly. The guy's crush on Andrew was so obvious. It was quite funny. Tobias didn't blame him. Andrew was pretty and nice. People got crushes on him.

"Any snacks are fine", Embry mumbled. Quil nudged him and Embry shot him a look. Tobias moved his gaze away. His eyes connected with Jacob's. Jacob smiled at him widely and Tobias averted his gaze. Andrew left the room, Even rising from his position to help. They returned a few minutes later with several bowls of crisps. Even handed Lucas a bowl of Cheetos and plopped back down next to Tobias with a bowl of bacon crisps. Andrew handed the other three bowls to Jacob, Leah and Seth before turning back to the DVD player.

"Alright", he grinned at them. "It's time to educate you people".

Tobias finds Jacob annoying.
Embry have gay panic crushes.
Jacob is a bit of a fuck boy.
Seth is a soft baby.
Even is here for the eye candy and music.
Andrew is oblivious and only concerned about the serious lack in knowledge.
Lucas is a bad flirt.
Leah is so done.

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