12 - Lucas

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"Does the bass need to be deeper?" Even asked as he looked up from his notebook. "I feel like it needs to be in a lower key".

Andrew didn't respond. He was too absorbed in typing something on his phone. His bass guitar sat forgotten in his lap, scribbled music sheets on the stand in front of him. Tobias and Lucas stared at him for a moment. A slight smile was tugging at Andrew's lips. Ever since Embry had asked him out on a date four days ago, Andrew was suddenly using his phone more often.

"Andrew!" Even called.

"Oi Andrew!" Lucas shouted louder. Andrew's head shot up in surprise. The dark skinned blinked at Lucas' shit eating grin and tucked his phone in his back pocket. Lucas grinned wider.

"Is that Embry?" He asked teasingly. "Finalising your date plans?"

Andrew scowled at them. He picked up is bass and shifted so that his phone was out of sight. "What were you saying Even?" He asked, deliberately not answering Lucas' question. Lucas and Tobias shared a look, both of them sharing mischievous teasing expressions.

"I said does the bass need to be lower? Try playing the chords again in a lower key". Even flicked through his notebook pages furiously and scribbled something with his pen. The blonde had his hair pushed back out of his face with a Alice band as he worked. Lucas always admired the younger boy's mind. Melodies seemed to come easy to him.

Andrew squinted at his music sheets and replayed the chords on different frets, the sound coming out much lower. Lucas tapped his fingers along to beat in a bored fashion. They had been at this for hours. There wasn't much he could do, since he didn't play and instrument. He was just there to give a spare pair of ears. They weren't onto lyrics yet but Even did have a few drafts. Lucas had liked them but he was going stir crazy in their basement.

"That sounds better", Tobias commented. Andrew played the sequence again and he joined in on the drums. The beat seemed more booming. It had a more impact than before. Even scribbled stuff.

"I want to throw a party", Lucas voiced once they had stopped playing. "We haven't had a decent party in ages. I want to go and have fun".

"We're supposed to be staying out of trouble whilst we're here", Tobias reminded him. "That's why our parents agreed to this".

"Aww come on Tobias", Lucas whined. "I'm going stir crazy! The party last week was okay but I want to do something mad. We haven't even stolen a sign yet! That's tradition!"

"No it's not", Even stated blandly. Lucas was annoyed by the fact that the blonde didn't even raise his head from his notes. "You just like stealing signs when high". Lucas didn't see a issue with that statement.

"I brought some weed off some dude in Seattle the other day", Andrew remarked with a smug smirk.

"So that's where you disappeared to", Tobias chuckled, not at all angry, more amused. "We were suppose to be grocery shopping".

"We could make weed brownies".

"I want weed brownies!" Lucas waved his hand in the air like an enthusiastic student. "Let's make weed brownies". Everyone liked weed brownies.

"Tobias makes the best brownies", Even volunteered. He gave his stepbrother a challenging look.

Tobias looked at them and sighed. "Alright", he conceded in defeat. Lucas cheered loudly. "Let's make brownies". He placed his drumsticks down on the music stand and stood up. "We can use a break anyway".

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