18- Tobias

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The next day was a numb whirlwind of people and thoughts. They had spent the night locked in the basement studio in a nest of pillows and blankets. Tobias had kept to Even's side. His younger brother the most visibly affected by the ordeal last night, sticking within arms reach of any of the band members. But the rest of them were also still affected by the night's events and Gabriel's reappearance. Lucas kept wearing a look of guilt on his face every time he saw the ring of bruises on Even's neck. The blonde always did bruise as brightly as a painting. Andrew was constantly making tea and was wrapped in his favourite jumper. The material well known between the four of them as his comfort sensory object. It was fleece and worn down from years of use. He never went anywhere without it.

Workmen bustled in and out of the front door above them, heavy boots stomping on the floorboards as they swapped out the sofa and fixed the glass doors. Quil, much to everyone's relief, had volunteered himself to watch the work in the living room. Lucas, Andrew, Embry and Leah had all risen to deal with Even's room. The blonde not wanting to step in there until the words were gone and the balcony door was reinforced. Tobias didn't want to leave his little brother alone so stayed at his side. They were curled up on the floor. Even with his headphones on, music turned up so loud that Tobias could hear it. Gang of youth blasting through the speakers. Seth was lounging at Even's other side, watching the boy intently.

Tobias wasn't sure what to make of Seth. The boy was funny and cheerful. Friendly and would probably become a close friend to them all if he continued hanging round. But as soon as he had laid eyes on Even, he seemed to be devoted. Tobias found it strange, his older brother protectiveness rearing it's head at the idea. However, Seth didn't seem like he would hurt Even. The look in his face when he saw Even's injuries last night was proof of that. Tobias would have to keep and eye on him, and on Embry too. Andrew was as much his brother as Even at this point.

Tobias pushed himself up into a sitting position and winced as the movement disturbed the bruises on his back. Jacob, who had been reading something on his phone, knelt down and gave him a hand. Tobias glared at him for a moment before grumbling and taking the offer. It was strange that the boy constantly seemed to hang at his side. He heard Jacob give a satisfied snort as the taller boy helped him up. "Why are you still here?" Tobias scowled. He picked his glasses up form the floor and pulled them on. "Thanks for coming but I don't think we need so many guards anymore".

Jacob's face fell but Tobias refused to feel bad about it. "I just want to be here in case the guy comes back", Jacob muttered. His face darkened for a minute. "How the hell did the arsehole know where you were anyway?"

Tobias shrugged, feeling tired. "I talked with our manager. He apparently got the information from one of our organisers. Bribed him most likely. We have a restraining order against him for a reason".

"You have a restraining order against him and he still managed to find you?" Jacob asked. He ran a hand through his hair. "Fuck". Tobias nodded in agreement.

Even choose that moment to pull his headphones off and stop the music. He stood up and stepped over all the blankets and pillows from last night to reach where his electric guitar was sitting in it's stand. It was a midnight blue Yamaha, Even's baby. Tobias watched as he picked it up pointed at the amp cable questioningly. Even's voice still scratchy from last night. Andrew had regulated him to honey tea and less talking. Tobias nodded and stood up to close the studio door as Even plugged the guitar in. There was a high pitched screeching noise as Even pressed on the strings. Both Jacob and Seth yelped loudly and clutched their ears. Seth covered his head with a pillow while Jacob crouched down, head between his knees. Tobias raised and eyebrow at them but chalked it up to sensitive hearing. Even frowned and messed with the distorter setting and lowered the volume. When he plucked the chords again the sound was softer. Jacob and Seth released their ears but their shoulders were still tense.

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