40- Lucas

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Despite them growing to an agreement of cooperation with the Cullens, Lucas noticed that the wolves weren't happy once they left. Leah and Jacob being the most sullen. They frowned throughout the change in conversation as Alice and Emmet questioned the band about their tours. Andrew and Lucas had relaxed. He enjoyed recounting their various tales of (mostly his) stupidity. Their parties and the various other famous people they had met. It was easy conversation that they'd had many times before and despite their company being vampires, Lucas enjoyed the fact that they seemed just as excited as other teenagers they had met. 

They enjoyed the conversation before Alice froze and the voices faltered. Her eyes took on a far away look and the band members exchanged glances. Lucas felt Leah tense next to him, winding up tighter than she had already been wound. When Alice's gaze returned, she took in a sharp breath and let her eyes flicker to each of the humans at the table. 

"What did you see?" Bella asked. 

"Was that a future vision?" Andrew voiced, more curious than wary. "That's cool". Meanwhile, Even was still pale from the information that she had foreseen his death a couple of weeks ago. 

"Victoria is coming for Bella. It won't be long. Maybe a week or two. I saw Gabriel too. They're going to split the army and attack at both sides". Alice's voice was shaky. "I saw blood. But I don't know who's". 

For all that the conversation had lightened, the mood plummeted with the suddenness of a death drop. "Where?" Jacob's voice was commanding. He leaned over the table, placing a hand on the wood as he drew closer to the vampires. 

"Here", Edward was the one to answer this. 

"If we separate then we will die", Jasper announced. The long haired blonde male wore a calculating expression.  

"Then we work together", Jacob stated with full certainty. 

"No! No way", Bella jolted. Her big brown eyes fixed on the new alpha. "Jake. You don't know what you're getting yourself into". 

Leah growled and Lucas reached out to her. She took his hand and interwove their fingers together. Her skin blazing against his and he let the thrill of being able to hold hands with her ease the anxiety that had rose in his stomach. He spared a look to Tobias and found the nineteen year old watching Jacob and Bella with a frown. Distantly, Lucas recalled that Jacob mentioned once having a crush on Bella. That must be awkward. 

"You forget that we are made for this", Jacob snapped. 

"We will do anything to protect them", Embry voiced. The wolf had been mostly silent, glaring at the Cullen's with Leah. Seth seemed the most calm out of the wolves but he was staring at Even. 

"We should put all their targets in one place", Jasper continued as if the brief argument hadn't happened. Bella was looking at Jacob with a sad expression and Lucas wondered what had gone on between them. Either way, Jacob had turned to Tobias and was gazing at him like he had hung the stars in the sky. The image almost made Lucas snort. 

"Stop them from splitting up", Emmet nodded with his brother's plan. He grinned. "Means a bigger fight". 

"How long until they'll come?" Esme questioned Alice. 

"I do not know. A week, two maybe? Gabriel wants to move sooner but they won't risk moving too quickly". 

"That's pretty good", Tobias remarked blandly. "We have a photoshoot in Seattle the day after tomorrow. Guess I'll add that to the schedule". 

Lucas did snort this time. "Thursday, vogue. Saturday killed by vampires. Nice". Leah poked him to mark her displeasure and he pouted. 

"Don't talk like that", Jacob hissed. "We won't let them hurt you". 

"So we put them in the same place. We will need to call Sam", Seth voiced for the first time in over and hour. Their drinks had gone cold on the table and were mostly untouched. 

"I guess we can clear a few days", Tobias sighed, though there was a crease in his brows. 

 "Are we going to die?" Even's voice was small. Lucas felt ill at how afraid the blonde sounded. The forced humour of the conversation had done him no favours. 

Carlisle was the one who answered and his voice was gentle. "Even. We will be working together to make sure that does not happen". 

"Wow look at us getting along", Leah muttered bitterly. 

"At least we get to kill something", Embry added. 

"Shut up", Andrew scowled at them. "You two are not helping". 

"What do we do?" Lucas said. "Since we don't know when they're coming". 

"Go about your normal lives for now", Edward replied. "When Alice get's a clearer timeframe we will contact you". Lucas guessed that settled it.  

The Cullen's didn't stay any longer. Jacob followed them out and Tobias watched them go. After a few seconds, he followed after the wolf. Lucas went after him as Embry and Andrew took the mugs inside. Seth was speaking to Even in a low voice. The two youngest members seemingly in their own world. He followed after Tobias and heard Leah's steps behind him. They rounded the house and he paused. Tobias had stopped at the edge of the building and was staring out into the drive. Past his shoulder, Lucas could see Jacob and Bella talking. The Cullen's all in the car with Edward leaning against the hood. He was too far away to hear what they were saying but he had a feeling that Tobias could. 

"You know", Lucas plastered on a smile as he turned around and walked over to where Leah was standing. "We didn't end up going on our date". 

"It's best not to go out by ourselves until this is over", Leah pointed out. 

Lucas sighed and let his shoulders slump dramatically. "But I wanted to treat you. Take you out for food and buy as much as you want. Maybe take you to the cinema. What do you like?" 

"Horrors", Leah smiled and it did wonders to soften her face from the harsh glare she had been wearing all morning. 

"You may need to hold my hand if we watch those. I am terrible at jumpscares". 

"Don't worry. I'll protect you", She grinned as he slung his arm over his shoulders. 

"My sexy wolf girl", he beamed into her hair. She giggled and it made him feel giddy, that she was allowing herself to relax around him. She was less bitey, less defensive and snarky. He was enjoying it and the idea that they might die, that he may loose his family and this new relationship, it caught his breath. Lucas mentally shook himself as they entered the house. 

"Want another cup of coffee?" Andrew asked. He and Embry were in the kitchen, his hands wrapped around a second cup of tea as if it was grounding him. Lucas nodded, noticing that Even and Seth weren't there. 

"How are you feeling Drew?" He asked as the kettle reboiled. 

"I don't know", Andrew sighed. He seemed tired and Lucas wanted to fix it but he didn't know how. "Guess we should focus on the photoshoot first". 

"When we pretend to be bodyguards can we wear a uniform?" Embry asked in an attempt to raise the mood. 

"What like James Bond?" Leah remarked. 

Embry put his hands together and formed a finger gun. Andrew smiled as the wolf made bang noises. Lucas formed one and they took a few second to mimed shooting each other. He pretended to clutch his shoulder as he fell back to lean against Leah. "Oh no. I've been shot. Leah save me". 

"Do I have to?" 


Andrew began chuckling but was interrupted by the glass door opening and closing as Tobias entered. Judging from his expression, he was angry. Jacob came right behind him with wide stricken eyes.  "Tobias, wait. Tobias". Footsteps stomped up the stairs and there was the slam of a door. 


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