34- Tobias

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Sam's house was nice in the light of morning. Wide, open and airy. There was a view of the woods through the living room window which allowed the morning sun to arc across the floor as it rose. Tobias woke to it in his face and slumbering snores of Jacob behind him. The tanned boy radiating heat from his sprawled position on the floor next to Tobias' sleeping bag. Around him were the others. The sleeping bag on the other side of Tobias' was full of a slumbering Even. The younger boy's blonde hair flopped over his pillow. The strands now free from blood. (They had all showered and changed their clothes the night before). Above them on the sofa was Andrew, who was scrolling through his phone silently. On the couch opposite Lucas was drooling into his pillow, curly a mess.

"Morning", Andrew mouthed as he saw Tobias raise his head. There was a loud snore from Embry. The other boy asleep half sat up against the couch Andrew was laid on. His head resting on Andrew's blanket near his feet.

Tobias yawned and rubbed the dry gunk from his eyes. His hand fumbling for his glasses. (They were a spare pair Jacob had found for him last night. They were plain round wire ones, more fragile than his usual chunky black ones. He thought they made him look like Harry Potter). He pushed himself up onto his elbows. "Morning", he whispered. "What time is it?" Andrew showed him his phone screen. 8:28. "Did you get any sleep?" Andrew shrugged. There was black bags under his eyes, but Tonis knew that there would be similar ones under all their eyes. None of them had slept well. He could hear Lucas tossing and turning all night and Even's pillow had tear stains from nightmares.

As Tobias glanced at his younger brother, the boy stirred with the familiar motions of waking up. Tobias turned back to Andrew. "Is anyone else awake?" He asked.

"Seth and Leah took Quil and Sam back to the house. They left half and hour ago. Probably to do Wolfy shit". Andrew shrugged.

"Urgh", Even groaned without opening his eyes. "I want coffee".

"Sam said that we are free to use the kitchen", Andrew offered. He pushed back the blanket and swung his legs off the sofa, careful not disturb Embry or Jacob. Both Wolf boys snoring softly. "Wake Lucas". Even made a sleepy noise and nuzzled into his pillow for a second as he kicked out. Lucas woke with a snort and a jolt. He blinked at them blearily.

"Get up", Tobias muttered as he rolled over to push himself to his feet. "We are going to make our hosts breakfast".

"You mean that Even and I are going to make the breakfast", Andrew corrected as he pulled Even to his feet. The blonde boy leaning on him sleepily. "Lucas can just about manage eggs and you can't do anything more complicated than frying". Tobias shrugged and followed Andrew towards the kitchen.

The rest of the house was like the living room. It was homely and sweet. With pale walls in warm tones, decorated in knickknacks and photos. The kitchen was half open into the living room. With a open entrance big enough for five men to shove through. The kitchen was a bright cream and it took them a little bit of time to find everything they needed. Tobias parked himself at the round oak dining table, Even slumping at his side with a yawn. "I want my guitar", He declared as Andrew began pulling out pots and pans. Lucas was handing him eggs and bacon. Even stood up and shuffled back into the living room where they had left their bags. (Even had refused to leave his acoustic guitar at the house, which Tobias understood. Even's guitars were his comfort objects, his babies).

Lucas had started a pot of coffee and Andrew had put on the kettle and was mixing up a massive batch of scrambled eggs. "We'll pay them back for the groceries?" He asked.

"Of course", Lucas croaked. He cleared his throat. Humming a few notes as he woke up his voice.

"I brought your drumsticks", Even announced as he sat back down and propped his guitar on his lap. He handed Tobias his green drumsticks. (This pair glowed in the dark).

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