02 - Tobias

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The drive from the airport to the little town of forks was only about an hour. Still, the though of being stuck in a car after a long plane flight was not a welcome one. Despite the exhausting travel and hanging jet lag, the four boys were still rather awake.

Lucas was hyped like a child on candy, which he was. (Don't let the fact that he was the oldest fool you. He was a three year old in a 20yr olds body). Tobias watched as he bounced on the balls of his feet. Lucas was wearing his usual outfit of black skinny jeans and a threadbare tie dyed tshirt. He had a backpack on his back and was playing a game on his phone.

Even and Andrew were in similar states of sleepy quietness. Even was leaning his fluffy blonde head on Andrew's shoulder, grimacing at the grey sky. He was bundled up in a grey hoodie and red sweatpants. Out of all of them, he was the worst with mornings. Andrew had one earphone in and was nodding his head along to the beat, eyes obscured by sunglasses. His outfit was the most normal, a simple white tshirt and denim jeans with a black denim jacket handing from his shoulders. A book was sticking out of the jacket pocket, noticeably threadbare. All their suitcases and bags were piled at his feet.

Tobias looked at the band and sighed, wondering his he had enough caffeine for this. Why was he the leader? Oh yeah, he was the most organised. Himself was wearing a black shirt with grey skinny jeans. A long warm wool coat kept him shielded from the cool air as he assessed his brothers. 

Pushing his glasses further up his nose, Tobias squinted around at the car park. "John said that the car would be parked waiting for us", he said. "Who has the keys?" He asked Andrew and Lucas. He didn't bother asking Even. He was notorious at losing things.

Andrew fished around in his back, dislodging a grumbling Even from his rest. After a few minutes his hand emerged triumphantly holding the black car keys. He clicked them in the general direction of the car park.

"There", Tobias spotted flashing lights. "Come on guys". He picked up his bag and suitcase from the pile and set off across the concrete towards the car. There was the sounds of shuffling then the noise of wheels as the three others followed him.

The 'car' was actually a huge van/jeep thing. Tobias guest that it was a Range Rover, but he had no clue. He didn't know or care for cars. Whatever it was, it was big enough to seat them all comfortably. The boot was big enough to hold all their suitcases. That made Tobias smile. The rover was the right size for transporting their band equipment, so no more double journeys.

"Who's driving?" Lucas asked. All four boys turned to each other with challenging gazes. Instantly, they all raised their fists.

"Rock, paper, scissors go!" They shouted. Even and Lucas whooped gleefully, waving their fists in the air with triumph. Tobias and Andrew glared at each other.

"I call shot gun!" Even yelled as he hopped in the front seat. Lucas pouted.

"Ready?" Andrew asked. "Rock, paper, scissors go!" Tobias swore as he was left holding paper. Andrew cheered in triumph and hopped in the backseat with Lucas.

"Fuck my life", Tobias muttered as he heaved himself into the car.

Fifteen minutes later, they were cruising down the road leisurely. Trees surrounded them on both sides in vivid shapes of green and browns. If he wasn't driving, Tobias would had liked to watch the landscape go by, but he had to keep his eyes on the road. The stereo was on, Lucas having hooked up his phone. Him and even were singing along loudly and over dramatically. Tobias tried not to smile at their antics. There was a reason the two of them were their main singers.

"We are revolution radio
Operation 'no control'
And the headline 'my love's bullet proof'
Give me cherry bombs and gasoline
Debutantes in surgery
And the headline 'legalize the truth'"

They yelled. Even was head banging enthusiastically, long blonde hair flopping around. Out of all of them, he had the longest hair. It bounced around his head madly. (Tobias knee that as soon as he stopped moving it would look like he'd had a electric shock). Behind him, Lucas was making dramatic expressions as he sung. Tobias caught a glance at him in the mirror. Lucas winked at him and Tobias snorted.

"According to the info John gave us, we're halfway between the town and the reservation", Andrew said, not looking up from his phone. He had to raise his voice over Even and Lucas. Tobias turned down the stereo.

"We're pretty removed from the town", Andrew continued, grateful that he didn't have to shout.

"Good", Lucas remarked, "no noise complaints from nosy neighbours".

"Did John alert the local police force?" Even asked. There had been pervious instances when the police had been called because of the noise. In truth, that particular instances had involved the fire alarm going off, Lucas screaming like a banshee and Even making his electric guitar sound like a dying cat. Tobias had to explain to two very unamused police officers and several angry neighbours.

"Yeah", Tobias answered him. "Apparently the local police chief will be waiting for us when we get to the house to hand over the keys".

"kjølig", Even muttered sarcastically. Tobias ignored him.

"Turn it up!" Lucas demanded. "I love this song!" Tobias sighed but turned up the stereo again.

"Oh, please take me at my word, I'm desperate
I swear, I never meant to hurt no one, no
Oh, please stay for what it's worth, I'm desperate"
You're on your own"

Andrew joined in this time, abandoning his phone. He and Lucas duetted together in the back seat, singing overly melodramatically. They leaned against each other, gesturing wildly. In the front, Even was miming a guitar and shaking his head. Tobias' voice rose as the chorus set in. He loved this song too. Giving up on trying to be responsible, he danced as much as he could whilst driving. All four voices shouted along to the lyrics, abandoning any idea of tune.

"So don't you call my name
I will take you down
Should've known that you've been dancing with a wolf
So don't you call my name
I will take you down
I'm not your friend, you burned a bridge
I chew you up and spit you out
Oh woah oh woah oh
There's no love for a liar, no love for a liar
Oh woah oh woah oh
There's no love for a liar, no love
So don't you call my name
(Call my name)"

The songs are revolution radio by green day, and dancing with a wolf by all time low.
I forgot to mention this earlier but this book is set during eclipse.

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