33- Even

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The sudden bang of the front door bursting open above them made Even jump. The stomps of heavy footsteps made him tense as he looked up. He couldn't tell how many people entered their house but it was definitely more than five. He looked around at the others. Lucas was still half curled up in a beanbag, head between his knees and his eyes closed. Even almost thought that he had gone back to sleep if it wasn't for the phone being turned in his hands. Tobias was looking towards the door as the footsteps moved above them. Andrew was still pacing in circles round the room but it was clear that he was listening too.

Footsteps sounded on the basement stairs and a knock tapped lightly on the door. Even tensed. "Lucas?" Leah's voice was recognisable on the other side. Her tone calm and reassuring so not to panic them. It was a good thing as Andrew and Lucas both looked as skittery as wild deer. (Even was pretty sure that he and Tobias looked the same but he didn't want to think about it). "It's me. I've got Seth, Embry and Jacob behind me. The rest of my pack are checking the house and garden. It's safe". Lucas made a noise and was bursting to his feet. Tobias stood up and Even put down his guitar. They all inched closer to the locked door nervously.

"Are you guys okay?" Seth's voice sounded. "We could smell the animal blood".

"We're okay", Tobias called back. "Just shaken". He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Someone get the lock", he muttered. "I still can't see shit". Lucas stepped forward and the lock clicked as he turned it and pulled the door open. Leah was in the doorway. Her normally sleek bob was ruffled from sleep and she was in her usual outfit of jean shorts and a sports bra. Behind her the three other boys peered at them. Lucas stepped back to let them in, closing the door behind them. For a silent minute they just stared at each other.

"The blood is not ours", Tobias muttered. He waved a hand at Embry. "Are you Embry or Jacob? You're the same height so I can't tell. Gabriel broke my fucking glasses". Lucas let out a slightly hysterical giggle and Andrew snorted. Both noises tinged with left over panic.

"Are you sure it was Gabriel?" Jacob asked. Even noticed that all the Wolves had been drawn close to each other their imprints, like a gravitational pull. Embry was hovering at Andrew's side. His thumb rubbing the animal blood off Andrew's face. The boy leaning into his touch. Lucas was leaning his head on Leah's shoulder. The woman running her fingers through his curls in soothing motions. While Jacob had shuffled to Tobias' side. Not touching him but there like a protective shadow.

Even made a tired, broken noise and pressed his head into his hands. The adrenaline was fading. Exhaustion, anxiety and violation replacing it. This was the second time Gabriel had gotten into his bedroom, his private space. It made him sick to think about that man standing over him while he slept. He didn't feel safe here anymore. He wanted to back to new York. "Yes", Andrew replied to Jacob's question. "It was him. Because he wished me a happy birthday". Even made another noise at the words.

"Even", Seth's voice in a soft whisper at his side. "Can I hug you?"

"I'm covered in blood", Even mumbled back.

"That doesn't matter". Even took a breath and removed his hands. Seth was watching him with his big brown eyes. Even nodded and the shorter boy was there, his arms gently wrapping round his waist. Even leaned his whole body weight against him and buried his head in his neck. This, this was what he needed. He needed someone who he could lean on and not buckle. Mentally and physically. A person who wouldn't falter, who wouldn't try to manipulate him. And for a second, just in that brief moment with Seth holding him steady, Even let himself believe that Seth could be it. And then the second was over and he was raising his head.

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