06- Tobias

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Following after Lucas automatically gave him babysitting duty. Lucas was the wildest of them when drunk, so they often tried to keep close just in case something happened. The hyperactive Male had already found the kitchen and the drinks. He was chatting with a bouncy brown haired girl and looked up when Tobias came in.

"Hey Tobias", he greeted as he handed him a red plastic cup. "This is Jessica. She's just graduated from the local high school here". Tobias nodded at her politely and took a sip of the liquid. Jin and lemonade, his favourite.

Jessica was chattering on about something that was easily drowned out by the music of the other room. Lucas was nodding along as if he could understand what she was saying but he looked as lost as Tobias felt. In the other room, the song changed.

Lucas perked up and grabbed Tobias' arm as a familiar riff started up. "Tobe! This is our song! Come on!" He turned and skipped abruptly into the other room. Jessica looked a bit confused at the sudden exit. Tobias shrugged at her and downed the rest of his drink.

As he turned to make his way into the living room, his shoulder collided with something. "Excuse me", he muttered, glancing up. He had bumped into a tall tanned skinned boy with short cut black hair. His features were slightly obscured by the flashing lighting. Tobias looked at him. The other boy was only about an inch or so taller than him but he carried a atmosphere of being bigger.

Tobias glared at him as their eyes met. The taller boy froze. "Excuse me", Tobias said sharply. He pushed roughly passed and into the living room, not sparing another glance.

He found Lucas with Even. The curly haired boy must have dragged the blonde into dancing and they were both bouncing in the centre of the floor wildly, singing loudly along to the song. It was their song. Tobias recognised it as their hit track from their second album, Teething.

"My gums are bleeding
With a aching hunger Calling to the sky.
They all call me crazy
Say I'm changing, becoming something they don't like", Even and Lucas were singing, their voices melding with the recorded versions booming from the speakers. Tobias jumped over and began bouncing and dancing wildly with his band mates, his brothers. They all screamed along to the lyrics. Tobias could feel the affects of the alcohol buzzing in his head.

"And I don't care!" They all yelled. Even was doing air guitar while Tobias played invisible drums. Lucas had gotten into a dance with a pretty black girl and was spinning her around the floor. She was laughing as he sang.
"I am teething fangs
Underneath my gums, they're bleeding!
And you said I'm crazy
Nothing more than a poor poor baby
But darling I am changing.
loosing all my teeth behind".

The song ended with Andrew's deep base and all three of them whooped. Lucas was immediately pulled away by the girl and he waved at them with a cheeky grin. Even laughed and waved back. His blonde hair was becoming floppy, too long for the product to hold it back very well. It fell over his eyes as he began bouncing to the next track. Andrew walked off to get another drink.

As he passed through the house, he spotted Andrew in the corner of the room talking to a tanned boy. Tobias smiled at him and Andrew raised his drink as he passed.

"Having fun?" A deep voice asked. Tobias turned to see the black haired boy he had bumped into earlier. He was wearing a black tshirt and jeans. The tshirt was bulging over his muscles.

Tobias filled a empty cup with rum and coke and took a gulp before answering. He eyed the boy of a moment. Despite his height and muscles, he seemed younger than him. "Yeah. Good party", Tobias replied. "What about you?"

"Me?" The boy answered with a huff. He seemed angry at something. "I'm only here to talk to someone, not have a good time".

"Shame", Tobias replied as he finished his cup. "Well, I'm not letting you ruin my buzz. I'm going back to dancing".

"Wait", the boy said quickly. There was something about the way he was locking at Tobias that made him uneasy. Tobias frowned, brain slightly too drunk to be annoyed. He was happy tipsy and didn't want to hang around muscled brooder much longer. The guy seemed like a buzz kill. "What is your name?"


"Tobias", the guy repeated, a slow smile spreading across his face. The smile was nice, Tobias noted, cute. "I'm Jacob".

"Cool for you bro", Tobias muttered as he walked away to find his brothers.

He found Even and Andrew our on the porch. They were alone, Andrew obviously having ditched his buddy from earlier. Tobias walked over and threw his arms around their shoulders. "Hey guys", he slurred, his second drink hitting his system. "Where's Lucas?"

Even laughed at his older brother's intoxication. "He's making out with someone in the stairwell. Nothing too crazy yet".

"Cool beanz", Tobias grinned. "I just escaped from a conversation with a creepy buzzkill. Where's your buddy Drew?"

"Alright who let you have the rum?" Even asked rhetorically with a wife amused grin. They all knew that rum always made Tobias a talkative, lovey drunk.

Andrew laughed, slightly tipsy. "I left him. Guy didn't know who Tolkien was. Wasn't going to waste my time on that".

Tobias nodded at him like he had done something insanely wise. "Good man".

"I think I should get you guys home", Even muttered. "It's past midnight".

Tobias frowned and leaned back on Even as he checked his phone. Was it? It felt like they had only been here about an hour. It was twelve thirty four. Where had the time gone?

"Here, you take care of Tobe", Even unwrapped his arm from his shoulder and pushed him gently towards Andrew. "I'll go and find Lucas".  Tobias watched as the blonde disappeared back into the house.

"He's abandoned up", he muttered mournfully. Andrew snorted and patted him on the head.

"There there Tobe. He'll be back".

It seemed like seconds till Even returned, Lucas walking next to him. The curly haired boy was pouting like a kicked puppy. Tobias laughed at him and the pouting increased. He had lipstick smudged on his lips and cheek and his hair was mussed.

"Even is a spoilsport", he declared, draping himself on Tobias and Andrew. Andrew was giggling like a schoolgirl as he tried to hold them up. "He interrupted my romance".

"You have her phone number. You can text her tomorrow", Even grunted as he hefted Lucas onto his back. The boy cheered and wrapped his arms around his neck as Even began carrying him towards the car. Andrew followed, Tobias using him as a steadying post.

As they got into the car, Tobias glanced back at the house. The boy, muscle boy, Jacob, him, was storming down the steps of the porch followed by the guy Andrew had been talking too. He looked up and Tobias pulled a face at him as Even rolled the car down the driveway.


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