20 - Lucas

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Lucas bounced on Andrew's bed, Even doing the same at his side. Andrew was curled up in his reading chair under the window while Tobias stood between them. "Stop bouncing", he huffed.

Even stopped and rolled into a sitting position. He grinned innocently, blonde hair fluffy and messy from bouncing. Lucas pouted, definitely not as innocent as Even. "You're being boring Toby".

"Are you two taking this seriously?" Tobias scowled back. Andrew's explanation of what he had heard between Jacob and Bella still hanging in the air. Lucas was glad that Quill and Seth were still downstairs and safely out of ear shot. Leah and Jacob having left the day before. The sound effects of the Wii echoing up the stairs as the two boys battled.

"We are", Even replied. "But I don't understand the big deal. They are allowed secrets. We have ours". He gave them all a pointed look.

"Yes but the way Jacob put it, it sounded like we were in danger. Shouldn't we know if that's true?" What Andrew said made sense. Lucas was not particularly fond of the idea of danger.

"But we're already in danger", he exclaimed. "Gabriel is still out there. And we're rich and famous. That brings a certain amount of danger on its own". He pointed out. The reminder made them all grimace in unison. Andrew muttered something under his breath which Lucas was sure was a curse word.

"I'm blonde, I'm skinny, I'm rich and I'm a little bit of a Bitch", Even sung. He held up his hand triumphantly and Lucas high fived him with a grin. The mood lightening as they all laughed.

"Not the time Even".

"Lighten up Tobias".

"Boys", Andrew snapped his fingers, bringing their attention back to him. "Jacob called us Imprints. He referred to Edward as someone dangerous and Bella called the Quileute lands, pack lands. Any ideas?"

"Maybe they're rival gangs", Lucas shrugged. "Pack? That sounds pretty gang like".

"I don't like the sound of Imprint", Tobias voiced. He crossed his arms. "Imprinting is what birds to right? Ducklings imprinting on something then following them around because they think it's their mother. Really? Sounds weird and possessive". He pulled a face.

"Maybe it's a claim", Even shrugged. "Like we are closer to their territory than Forks, so maybe they are claiming our lands before the other gang does?"

"Does Edward look like he's in a gang?" Lucas asked. "He's too pretty, and no tattoos. Maybe a family rivalry. I mean, small towns have them all the time. Maybe it's that?"

"Whatever it is", Tobias snorted. "I don't like it. We are our own people. No one is staking a claim on us".

The rest of them nodded. It was the four of them, as it had always been. They did not need a gang following them or claiming them as their own. "We are wildings", Andrew grinned. "We don't need a gang".

"We're only here for a year", Even said. "When the years over and the new album is out, we will be waving dorks goodbye and be back on the road". As soon as he said it, his face froze. It was only for a moment but Lucas caught it. He caught Even's eye for a second, then Even continued as if the slight moment hadn't happened.

"But"- Andrew's voice drifted off. His face did not recover as fast as Even's. All of them watched his expression drop.

Tobias sighed but spared Andrew a reassuring smile. "Drew we are here a year. You've only been on one date with Embry. Don't worry about it. When the year's over, then worry about your relationship. No pressure". Andrew spared him a grateful glance.

"I guess we're going to keep silent about this", Lucas spoke. The other three nodded.

"Yeah", Even nodded. "No point in confronting any of them until we know more. Whatever this danger is, it hasn't affected us yet".

"Cool", Tobias clapped his hands together. "On a different note, Manager John is bugging me about posting something. We've been quiet for a while and our fans are panicking. He votes doing a cover song and posting it on YouTube".

"Can we do Halsey?" Lucas bounced excitedly. He liked her music. (He also had a slight crush, much to his brother's enjoyment).

Even perked up. "Yeah. Acoustic cover or rock cover?"

"She's a good choice. Very popular so John will like it". Tobias nodded in agreement. Lucas frowned at the comment of popularity. He guessed that John was breathing down Tobias' neck about the band's social media presence. The cover song must be another bid for relevance.

"Also her music is cool", Andrew added. "What about doing a single acoustic cover and a band cover?" Everybody nodded at the suggestion.

Even held up his hand like he was in class. "Can I do the single acoustic? Andrew did the last one".

"What about me?" Lucas gasped dramatically. "I'm the vocalist. This betrayal".

"You can't play any instruments Lucas", Even reminded. Tobias sniggered as Lucas flopped dramatically back onto the duvet.

"So? Is that your argument for everything?"

Even pretended to think about it. "Umm, yeah". He them burst into laughter as Lucas snatched up Andrew's pillow and began rapidly hitting him with it.

"That's it! It's on!" Even grabbed the second pillow and flailed as he tried to hit Lucas back. Both boys dissolving into laughter and limbs. Behind them, Tobias and Andrew exchanged looks. Andrew slowly grinned.

"Drew", Tobias warned. His position in the middle of the room stranding him without any pillow weapons. Andrew's grin grew wider as he sat up and pulled out a cushion from behind him. "Drew no. Ah!" Tobias flinched as the cushion flew across the room and hit him in the chest. He lowered his arms and glared at Andrew.

Andrew took another cushion from his chair and raised it threateningly. Tobias grabbed the fallen cushion form the floor and raised it. "Battle to the death!" He yelled as he charged.


When Quil and Seth came upstairs ten minutes later, their battle on the wii over. It was to find Even and Lucas on the bed. Even trying to smother Lucas under the pillow, but failing because he was laughing to much. Both their clothes rumpled and their hair askew. Small bruises forming from stray elbows on their exposed arms. Andrew and Tobias were on the floor wrestling. Tobias on his front with Andrew's knees in his back as Andrew smacked repeatedly him with cushion. All four of them were yelling and shouting.

"Err", Seth muttered as the door swung open. Even looked up and grinned at him, eye bright and cheeks flushed from exertion. Under him, Lucas groaned and shoved the pillow off his face. He huffed at the two boys in the doorway, curly hair wild.

"Hi", he waved.

Quil and Seth stared at them. On the floor, Tobias raised his head. His glasses were lying on the floor a few feet away and his hair was an absolute bird's nest. "Welcome. This is how we sort out a argument within the band".

"This is how you guys argue?" Quil asked, failing to hide his amused smile.

"Yep", Even grinned. "Battle to the death. Or until they give up".

"So what were you arguing about?" Seth asked hesitantly.

"Over who gets to do the acoustic cover song we're planning for youtube. Even and Lucas both want to do it", Andrew explained.

"Lucas can't play any instruments and Andrew did the last one", Even exclaimed, pointing at Lucas accusingly.

"I'm the main vocalist", Lucas argued.

Quil chuckled, turning his gaze down to the others. "So why are you fighting?"

"Because we can", Andrew stated plainly.

Quil shrugged. "Sounds legit. Pass me that extra pillow". Andrew tossed Tobias' stranded pillow and Quil caught it. He turned to Seth with a serious expression. "Seth. Whose side are you on?"

"Even's", Seth stated instantly. He let out a Oof as Quil smacked him in the face with the pillow. Lucas cheered, then stopped as Even shoved the pillow over his face again.


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