15- Andrew

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Six o'clock, the time Embry promised that he would pick Andrew up at, rolled around with a speed that left a streak of apprehension in Andrew's gut. The hour found Andrew in the living room. He was already dressed in one of his favourite shirts (it was blue with red and gold goldfish), paired with a long black coat, black skinny jeans and converse. Tobias was in the middle of applying a fine line of glittery gold eyeliner to Andrew's eyelids. They were all experienced with makeup, but Tobias had the steadiest hands. In the background 'shine' by Years&Years was playing through the tv speakers. Even and Lucas engaged in a JustDace battle on the Wii.

Andrew assumed that was what they were doing. But it seemed more like they were waving the wii controllers around like headless chickens whilst trying to sing along, loudly. Emphasis on the loudly part. Even was getting more of the actual moves correct but Lucas seemed to be getting more points, despite the fact that he was flailing like he was getting a electric shock. Andrew had to bite his tongue to avoid nodding his head along to the music. He liked this band but the off key singing was ruining it.

"Done", Tobias announced, leaning back. Andrew blinked open his eyes, fluttering them a few times, and grinned.

"Do I look pretty?" He pouted, turning his head so that the makeup shined on his skin.

"Very pretty".  Tobias nodded proudly at his handiwork.

Even turned around for a glimpse. "Looking Fab Drew. Ready to make Embry blush". He gave a enthusiastic thumbs up and turned back to the tv, doing a fluid slut drop that had Tobias sniggering. It matched the figure on the screen perfectly. Lucas tried to do the same and almost tripped into the sofa. (Tobias laughed louder). He glared as Even bounced back up.

Andrew beamed, igniting his nerves. He hadn't been on a date in ages. Not since they had made it big. Romance was seemingly easier for the others, set in their sexualities. Lucas fell for a new girl nearly every party. Even was endlessly making heart eyes at handsome boys and Tobias was just such a charmer. It didn't work like that for Andrew. He had to know the person first before feeling sexual attraction. And being on tour constantly made dating and relationships difficult.  There was no time to get to know someone before they were leaving, off to the next country, city, gig.

The loud tune of the door bell made Andrew jump. He went to get it but Tobias pushed him back into the sofa cushions, jumping over the back and bolting for the door before him. Even and Lucas both abandoned their game and chased after him. There were a few muffled thumps as one tripped and a few grumbles. Andrew just huffed and rolled his eyes. They always did this.

Hissed voices and blatant threats echoes down the hall for a minute or two before the door shut and his three brothers came trailing back in. Even and Lucas both grinned cheekily at Andrew before going back to their game, Lucas giving him a wink. Tobias flopped back onto the sofa, Embry following behind him.

Embry was wearing a white button up that contrasted nicely with his tanned skin. His black hair was actually brushed for once and he was wearing a nice pair of jeans. Andrew smiled at him widely as he stood up to greet him. The guy looked nice, really nice. Embry stopped and gave him a long look, taking in his bright shirt and makeup.

"You look good. Pretty", Embry stuttered, a slight barely noticeable pink flush to his cheeks. Andrew's smile grew wider.

"Thank you. You clean up nice as well".

"Get a room", Lucas jeered.

"Get going love birds", Even waved.

"Be back before sunrise", Tobias called. Andrew scowled at them and began walking towards the door. Embry following after him happily, the others calling parting goodbyes. The door shut it's a click and Andrew was left facing Embry on the porch. The still bright light of the sun threw shadows of tree branches over their faces.

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