41 - Even

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As soon as the Cullen's left, Even wordlessly headed up to his room. Seth followed hesitantly but relaxed when Even held the door open for him, making it clear that he wanted the wolf boy with him. He shut and locked the door behind him before holding out his arms. "Can I have a hug?" His voice was soft. 

Seth reached for him. "Of course". Even leaned into his blazing heat and buried his face into the boy's shoulder. Despite the muscle supporting him, he had to remember that Seth was still a teenager. Sixteen, nearly seventeen. He often felt older, either cause of the wolf side, or the fact that he mature for his age. Even felt guilty, always leaning on him. Seth was sturdy and it was so easy to fall into his support. 

"I'm sorry. I always feel like I'm clinging on to you and crying at you. Are you okay?" He pulled away and rubbed his fingers over his eyes. He peered at Seth, the younger still shorter than him despite the fact that he could lift Even easily. "What are you feeling?" 

Seth drew in a big breath and exhaled a sigh. "I'm terrified for you and the others. I am angry that Gabriel put you through so much. I want to rid him from your lives. Everything is so out of control. I miss my dad and it hurts". 

"Is there anything I could do?" Even murmured. 

Seth shook his head. "You keep me calm. I feel like I can breath around you. I am scared for you. I don't know if it's an imprint thing or a you thing, but I feel steady around you". 

"I am glad", Even chuckled wetly. "Cause I'm terrified. I am scared of Gabriel, of this Victoria. I am scared of how quickly you and the other's have become so close to us. When we leave, could we let you go? I don't think so. I want to kiss you but I am scared". 

"Of me?" Seth's brown eyes were big and warm. 

Even shook his head. "No. Anxiety". 

"What can I do? Hugs?" Seth held out his arms again. Even sunk into them. Touch had always been a love language of his and it soothed the untethered feeling that had been plaguing him all morning. "My dad always said that hugs help". 

"Your dad was right". 

"He was right about a lot of things". Seth's tone was fond and sad. It was a gentle sadness, long time grief that Even could relate to. He still found days where he missed his own biological father. His stepdad wasn't bad but he was never as good as his real dad had been. He clung to Seth tightly and focused on the warmth of the touch. It took almost a minute of silently standing there, both boys hanging on to each other with a grounding tightness as they relaxed into it. 

After a bit, Even muttered. "I'm going to go to the basement. Do some writing. We still have an album to record. Want to join me?"

"Sure. It sounds cool". 

"It will be boring", he warned, floppy blonde hair tickling the other boy's ear. "Mostly me writing with my guitar and messing with equipment". 

"I'll bring a book or something", Seth replied in the same tone. 

Even was quiet for a few seconds. "I am scared about this battle. I don't want anyone to get hurt". 

"But if we don't fight then you will get hurt", Seth pushed Even gently back to meet his eyes. "I won't allow Gabriel to kill you or hurt you". His face was open with sincerity. Even raised his hands up to play with the hair curling around Seth's ears. His hair was growing out and his face was lengthening as he matured. The wolf in him speeding up his puberty like it had done to the others. He knew that Seth would be even more handsome than he was now. 

"He's already hurt me. He wasn't the first", Even meant to sigh it under his breath but Seth still caught the words. Once again that anger flashed across Seth's face before the boy took a deep breath and visibly calmed himself. Even swallowed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to say that outloud". 

"It's okay", Seth soothed. He ran his fingers through blonde locks to push them off his forehead. "Let's go down". 

Even hummed and unlocked his bedroom door. He was just reaching for the handle when footsteps sounded heavily in the hall. He opened it just in time to see his brother storm past and into his bedroom. Tobias slammed the door shut, stopping Jacob in his tracks as the wolf sought to follow him. "Tobias!" Jacob called, palms flat on the wood. He didn't bang on the door, merely rested his head against it. Even felt a bit of relief when he saw that. Jacob not going for the handle, understanding the barrier Tobias was setting up and respecting it. (The wolf had learnt). "Tobias. Can I come in?"

"No". Came the short reply. Tobias sounded upset but not crying or shouting. Even stepped out of his room. 

"What happened?" He voiced, striding past Jacob to the door. The boy moved and allowed him past. "What did you do?" 

Jacob stared at him with wide eyes. "I didn't do anything! I was just talking to Bella outside. She wanted to talk to me". 

"Well what did you say?" Even demanded, blue eyes narrowing. "Tobe? Can I come in?" He knocked on the wood gently and waited for a reply. 

"It's okay Even". Tobias sounded like he was right on the other side of the wood. He could probably hear all of this. "I can handle it. I just need a moment". 

"Okay", Even sighed. He didn't want to leave them but he understood well enough when his brother needed to sort something out by himself. It was a thing between him and Jacob and he dint need others complicating it right now. "If I don't hear anything from you in an hour then I'm coming back up to check". He turned and pointed at Jacob warningly. "And you. If you hurt him again then I'm cutting something off". 

"Noted", Jacob stated. He seemed serious enough to appease the blonde. 

"Please don't fuck this up Jake", Seth added. "You know what they threatened the last time". 

"Trust me", Jacob's lips twitched in a humourless smile that was probably meant to be reassuring, but ti failed due to the visible honesty in his eyes. "That is the last thing I want". 

Even gave him one more narrowed eyed warning look before walking away towards the stairs. Seth next to him as they left the couple to their own devices. "What was that?" Andrew asked as they entered the kitchen. Lucas and Leah were seated at the counters with Embry while Andrew stood next to the kettle. 

"Do we need to go and beat Jake up?" Embry asked with a little bit of amused excitement over his concern. 

"Please give me any excuse", Leah smiled. 

"I wouldn't mind seeing that", Lucas mused. "I bet it would be hot to see you win babe". 

"I said we'd check in and hour", Even informed. "If Tobias is still pissed in an hour then we can lay on Jacob. I personally vote for making him do all the house chores for the week". It was not like they were getting rid of him. The imprint thing was pretty permanent and they did need bodyguards against the vampire thing. They could probably switch him out with Quil if Tobias didn't want to see him for a while. "Until then, I'm going to do some writing downstairs. I have some demo tracks to get your thoughts on soon. Need some adjustments on bass and drums". 

Andrew nodded and motioned to the kettle. "More coffee?" Even and Seth both accepted. 


Rewatched Eclipse for get me back into writing this book. I forgot how much Bella annoyed me in that movie. (I dislike the leading on of love triangles). I also forgot how fine Jasper is during that movie. Like damn. 

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