37 - Even

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Lucas spent all evening grinning. He kept smiling through dinner (take out because no one felt up to cooking) and all through the movie they all watched afterwards. He was giddy and hopeless and so in love that it was nauseating. It was worse than Andrew and Embry, who had settled into comfortable cute couple antics on their corner of the couch. Andrew leaning into Embry's side and their hands interlocked as they watched the movie. Lucas and Leah weren't cuddling  like them, instead Leah was half curled against the armrest on one end with the curly haired boy half sprawled at her side with his head on one of her legs. She seemed too be tolerating him, the only sign of her enjoyment of the situation was the fond crinkle to her eyes. (Even wanted to tease her but she was frankly the scariest person in the room so he decided not to push it). Lucas was head over heels and Even was finding it all rather boring by the time the credits to Crimson peak were rolling across the screen. 

"How can you still be smiling when we have just watched Tom Hiddleston get stabbed in the face?" He complained loudly. "It was such a waste of a pretty face", he bemoaned quieter. He and Tobias were sharing a blanket on the other edge of the sofa. Even, in younger brother rights, had managed to get his feet under Tobias' leg to keep his toes warm. Tobias hadn't even been paying attention to the movie, instead catching up on the emails he had missed over the chaos of the last day. It wasn't very many emails as they were on break and when Even glanced over at the iPad screen it was to find him playing a fashion game. (Andrew may be the most red carpet of them all but Tobias was the guy who watched Drag race). 

"Because I have a girlfriend", Lucas singsonged back with a gleeful grin. 

Andrew made a gagging noise. "Eww keep the straight stuff to yourself". Lucas threw a pillow at him. 

"Shut up. You and Tobias have both dated girls before so don't come at me". 

"One girl when I was sixteen", Andrew reminded as he picked up the pillow and made himself comfy. 

"Let Lucas enjoy his relationship before he ruins it with a bad pun", Tobias spoke up, not bothering to tear his eyes away from his game. 

"Mean. You're all mean", Lucas sniffed dramatically. Even laughed. 

The teasing was interrupted by the glass door to the garden sliding open and Jacob stepping in. The chill of the evening didn't affect him even though all he was wearing was his customary jeans. He tucked his phone into his pocket as he shut the door behind him. Seth was just visible through the glass. The giant golden wolf half hidden in the trees of the forest as the gloom grew darker and the last vestiges of sunlight began to disappear. Even watched the golden light flash off wolf eyes and caught on golden fur. (Half the time it felt like this whole vampire wolf business was some dream but the terror in his blood at the mention of Gabriel reassured him that this was real). "I called Bella", Jacob stated as he crossed to lean on the back of the sofa. "The Cullen's are coming here in the morning. Edward", there was audible dislike as he spoke the name, "wanted to come over right away but I told them that you all needed sleep first". 

Even wanted to argue but he was frankly still emotionally exhausted from the events last night. Tobias sniffed. "Are they all coming?" 

"Yes. I'm still not happy about them coming here. Why can't we just go to their house?" Jacob climbed over the back of the sofa and flopped onto the cushions in the free space between Tobias and Andrew. 

"Because their house reeks of leach", Leah snarled. "And I don't want Lucas in their nest". Lucas smiled but rolled his eyes slightly at the same time as Tobias. The Cullen's weren't too bad but they were growing used to the wolves' feelings on them. It was something none of them could control, their biology literally made them want to fight the vampires. The band was growing used to it. 

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