39- Andrew

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It took longer than five minutes for Even and Lucas to shower and make themselves presentable. During that time, Andrew had pulled on a jumper and had settled the Cullens around the garden table and chairs. Tobias had set out some fruit tea for Bella and was moving out the coffee mugs for the wolves. Seth and Leah were still in the house, awaiting their imprints, but Jacob and Embry were standing at the open glass doors. The two acting almost like a barrier between the vampires and the house. Andrew rolled his eyes as he took a seat across from Bella. Edward hovering over her shoulder like a protective shadow.

He only really recognised Edward and Esme, who they were most familiar with. The other Cullens were new but they all shared the same golden eyes, marble skin and unnaturally good looks. The blonde woman looked the most upset about being there. Her nose was turned up slightly and her glare kept shifting from the wolves to Andrew. The man at her side was huge and muscular like a football star. He grinned when he saw eyes on him, dimples crinkling and matching his brown curls. They both stood behind Esme's chair while the blonde man who must have been Carlisle had taken a seat next to his wife. He looked older than the others, late twenties to early thirties. It was hard to tell. Andrew bet that the man was the highlight of many hospital drama. On the other seat next to Bella was a petite girl with short cut brown hair. She seemed to be watching them all with visible excitement and interest, much more welcoming than her sister. Several paces behind her and towards the back of the group was a man with longer blonde hair. He seemed congested and silent.

Andrew turned as Lucas and Even left the house. The blonde boy's hair was ruffled and slightly wet still, dripping onto his hoodie. Lucas' curls were frizzy and the boy smothered a half yawn as he took the seat next to Andrew. Tobias reappearing with his own cup to stand while Seth and Even took the two remaining seats. Leah, Embry and Quil stepping forwards to shadow their imprints. The table seeming a barrier between the two parties. For a second, silence hung as the two groups considered each other.

"Sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning. My name is Carlisle. You have met my wife, Esme and my son Edward. This is the rest of my family. Rosalie, Emmet, Alice and Jasper". Carlisle gestured gracefully at each family member. The whole family seeming to be a group of supermodels despite their casual clothing. Andrew half wished that he and his brothers had dressed up abit more than lounge wear.

"Nice to meet you", Tobias nodded, speaking first. "Thank you for coming".

"We have a pest problem", Lucas shrugged. Even began laughing and Andrew couldn't help but snort. Like that, the tension eased.

"A pest problem is a fucking understatement", Embry scowled. "You guys are being hunted by a vampire!" He threw up his hands and Andrew sniggered. At the sound, Embry sighed and deflated. He rested a hand on Andrew's shoulder, the dark skinned boy reaching up to hold it as the sniggers died.

"So you called us here to save a bunch of children?" Rosalie asked icily. "What? Can't do it yourselves?"

"Try me", Leah snarled back.

"Whoa Babe", Lucas called. "Let's just explain first".

"We are the Wildlings", Tobias stated. "If Bella hasn't told you already".

"I know", Alice clapped her hands together. Her voice higher than Andrew had expected. "I absolutely loved your stage outfits for your opening of the Underground tour! Do you think you could let me know the name of your stylist?"

"Sure", Even shrugged. "But later. We need to deal with this Gabriel shit first". He glanced around and Andrew met the gazes of all his band members. All of them wondering who would be the first to start. It was a story they had told a lot recently but it didn't get much easier.

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