31- Andrew

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What surprised Andrew that morning was that Tobias was the last one down. Lucas had appeared an hour ago, with a tried Leah and had kick started the coffee machine. Andrew himself had been awake for a while and was making himself busy with breakfast. Even was there too, half leaning on Seth as he dozed at the kitchen table. Lucas had stuck a mug of coffee in front of him which was being sipped slowly. So when Tobias stumbled down stairs ten minutes after Jacob had taken him up a mug of tea, Andrew could tell that there was something off.

"Morning Tobe", he greeted. He waved a hand at the frying pan. "Pancakes?" Tobias nodded and seated himself on the stool at the kitchen isle on Even's other side. He seemed jittery. When Even reached out to poke him, he flinched. Andrew's hackles immediately rose.

Lucas had noticed too. He glanced at where Jacob was sulking by the door then back at Tobias. "Tobias. Are you okay?"

"Yeah", Tobias nodded. "Just pissed off and tired".

Even blinked, seeming more awake now. "What happened?" Did Jacob do something?" He shot Jacob a glare and the tanned boy winced.

"He kissed me", Tobias stated, taking a mouthful of his tea. "But we've dealt with it".

"You kissed him?" Andrew turned with narrowed eyes, tone heavy with oncoming anger. "Without your permission?"

"We dealt with it", Tobias repeated. "He knows that if he ever tries it again, I'll leave". Jacob grimaced and turned his gaze to his feet.

"Oh for fucks sake", Even grumbled. He pointed a finger at Jacob sharply. "If you ever do anything to my brother without his permission ever again, I'll cut off your dick. Regardless of wether you're a werewolf or not. And that applies to all of you", he gestured to the whole room. Seth, Leah and Embry watching him with wide eyes. "Well, probably not you Leah, since you don't have a dick. But I'll find something to cut off. Maybe a finger". Leah frowned at the distasteful idea.

"Ditto", Lucas chimed from where he was leaning against the counter.

Andrew huffed loudly and glared. "Look guys, we like you. You're friends and have the potential to be maybe more. But if any of you do something like this again, we will all leave. If this imprint business is as strong as you guys describe. Then we will do what Tobias threatened and leave you. All four of use will go and you will never see any of us again. We've been manipulated and controlled to much to let it slide anymore. Do you understand?" His tone was frosty. The wolves all nodded.

Embry stood up, the chair banging loudly as he moved. He scowled as he strode across the room to grab Jacob by the arm. "Excuse us", he nodded at the band. "But I'm going to have a little talk with Jacob over here". The band all watched as he pulled Jacob from the room.

"Us too", Seth voiced. He and Leah following behind them. The front door slammed loudly and there was a crunch of gravel as the four wolves walked away.

Tobis blinked and sighed. "You didn't need to guys. I know you like them".

"No", Even poked him in the arm. "Of course we needed to. I'm not going to let you be uncomfortable. You would do the same".

Andrew and Lucas both nodded in agreement. Tobias smiled. "Thanks guys".

"No need for thanks", Andrew waved a hand at the stack of cooked pancakes. "Breakfast?"


The four wolves were outside for almost half an hour. In that time the band had all eaten breakfast and were dressed for the day. Andrew met them at the door as they trudged in. Jacob looked like he had been thrown through a hedge. There were leaves in his hair and a bruise healing rapidly on his cheek. He seemed even more apologetic than he had been before, which was a huge feat. Andrew raised and eyebrow but didn't comment. It seemed that the Wolves all healed as fast as they said.

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