16- Lucas

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Lucas had been having fun thrashing Even on justdance wii. Andrew was off on his date (finally). Tobias was watching a anime on his iPad, using headphones to block out the music blaring through the speaker. And Even was whining about the fact that he was losing. Even was actually nailing the moves really well. He had more coordination than Lucas but his wii remote wasn't registering it. Unlike Lucas's, which seemed to think he was a marvellous dancer and was giving him so many high scores. Both of them were getting more and more competitive and more and more sweaty as they moved. Whoever said that justDance wasn't a workout, they were lying and obviously hadn't gotten competitive at it.

Lucas was just flapping his arms to the beat of Goblin by A.C.E, when a knock sounded at the door. Not a knock really, more of a jaunty tapping. He barely heard it over the music. Even looked up and turned to the door. "Was there a knock?" He asked.

Lucas shrugged. "I think so?"

"Are you going to get it?"


Even glared at him for a minute, pushing back his sweaty blonde hair. He was wearing a bandana to keep it off his face. He sighed. "Fine. I'm losing anyway".

"So you admit I'm winning!" Lucas crowed triumphantly. Even flipped him the middle finger over his shoulder.

Lucas laughed and turned the game back to main menu. Now that the music was cut off, Tobias looked up from his iPad. He had paused the anime. He pushed the headphones off and squinted at the tv through his glasses. "You two finally given up?"

"Nope", Lucas hummed. "There was a knock at the door. Even is just checking it out".

"But it's"- Tobias glared at the iPad screen. "Nine twenty at night. Who would be turning up so late?" His face was suspicious. Lucas shrugged but could feel his own concern rising. They'd had enough stalker fans and police calls before to know that a late night call was not often good.

"Maybe Andrew got into some kinky stuff on his date", Lucas tried. It was meant to be a joke but the furrowing of his brow made it fall flat. Tobias rose from the sofa and turned to face the hall. He was dressed in his lazy wear. The clothes he wore when he wasn't going to be in public. This meant a oversized band tshirt and gym leggings, because they were comfortable.

"Even?" He called. "Who is it?"

The tapping came again. The door not yet open and answered. Even ran into the living room so fast that he stumbled and bumped his knee on the sofa. His face was pale and his blue eyes were wide. Tobias caught his brother by the shoulders and pulled him up. Lucas felt his stomach clench upon seeing the look on Even's face. Only one person ever caused that amount of distress in the younger man. The thought of that person being here made Lucas feel ill.

"It's Gabriel. Fuck", Even stuttered, sweat beading his brow as he visibly fought against a panic attack. "Why now? How the fuck is he here?"

"Shit", Tobias swore, pulling Even to the floor so that the boy could curl up safely. Lucas froze, brain trying to catch up with what was happening. The thought of him being here, being just outside their house, made him want to punch something.  Anger suddenly welling up, Lucas strode to the door. The front door had a peep hole. Lucas peered though it and felt the blood drain from his face.

Even hadn't been lying. Gabriel was standing on the porch, lit by the yellow porch light. He was taller than the last time Lucas had seen him, almost a year ago. His curly hair, something they both shared, was gone. His head was buzzed down and he was wearing a long black duffle coat. A cigarette was stuck between his teeth. Skin the same olive tone as Lucas' but littered with small scars. The slight scruff of a unshaven beard was a shadow against his jaw. He had filled out too, Lucas noted in horror. Gabriel was fuller, like he had been hitting the gym. He was dressed in a pair of combat trousers and a threadbare red shirt. It looked like he hadn't been inside for a while.

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