04 - Lucas

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When Lucas woke up, it was to a uncharacteristically sunny day for forks. The light shone through the gaps in his curtains, glaring directly on his face. He squinted at it, debating about going back to sleep for another hour before reluctantly pushing himself out of bed.

While Even had gotten the back facing room with the small balcony and Tobias had snagged the other back facing room, Lucas had managed to claim the bedroom towards the front of the house. It was a nice big room with a good view over the dirt drive. It was furnished with the same plain wood furniture as the rest of the house but the walls were a light grey. His suitcase stood empty next to the wardrobe. Lucas had unpacked everything yesterday after much nagging from Andrew. The room still felt too empty. Even with the marvel sheets on his bed, it was still too plain.

Heaving himself up, Lucas yawned and scratched his head. He gave the curtains a long look before deciding against it. Tiredly, he shuffled towards the door and out into the upstairs hallway. All three of the other bedroom doors were ajar, so most likely the others were already awake and downstairs. Lucas was rather surprised by this as Even was terrible in the mornings. He fell asleep once before a concert and slept through the opening acts. It had taken Andrew shaking him awake to get him going.

After using the toilet, there were two bathrooms upstairs which was shared between them, Lucas trudged downstairs. He found all three boys on the sofa. Light was streaming through the floor to ceiling windows, lighting up their tired faces.

Tobias was drinking his tea with his head phones over his ears. He was dressed in neat cotton pajamas like some rich aristocrat. Although the effect was disturbed by his messy bed head and his crooked glasses. He glanced up as Lucas came in. "Kettles been boiled", he said. Lucas nodded at him.

Andrew looked the most out together out of all of them. He was washed and fully dressed in a T-shirt and jeans with a large shirt hanging over the top. He sat curled up with a cup of tea steaming on the coffee table. There was a thick book open on his lap and he looked pretty absorbed. He barely moved to acknowledge Lucas' entrance.

Shrugging, Lucas turned towards the kitchen. He took a look at Even and chuckled sleepily. Even was wearing nothing but boxers and a fluffy dressing gown tied around his waist. The blonde boy was passed out face down on the leather sofa. A half empty cup of coffee stood on the table next to him. His fluffy blonde hair stuck out from under the blue hood and as Lucas watched, he snores slightly.

Amused and slightly more awake, he turned and busied himself with the coffee. When he had finished, he returned and dropped heavily next to Even. The move meant jerked him awake. Even grumbled slightly and reached automatically for his mug. By the time he'd drained it, he looked more awake.

"Any suggestions about what we're doing today?" Lucas asked as Even sat up.

Tobias remove his headphones. "Pardon?"

"What are we doing?" Andrew repeated blandly. He licked his finger and turned a page of his book.

"Oh. Well there's that girl Bella's party tonight remember?"

"Så gøy", Even grumbled through the couch leather. Everyone silently ignored him.

"Any details?" Lucas prompted Tobias. The other boy jolted and lifted his glasses up to rub at his eyes.

"Yeah. She texted me that the party starts at 6 and sent the address".

"How come you got her number?" Lucas pouted. It was unfair. How come Tobias always got all the girls? Andrew was never interested and Even was too gay. Lucas felt like there was something unfair about that situation. Never mind that Tobias, when he wanted to be, was a charming prick.

"Actually she gave me her number and Edward's as they were leaving", Andrew spoke up. He took a sip of his tea. "I gave it to Tobias because he's better at remembering dates than me". Okay, Lucas mentally conceded, that made more sense.  Andrew was just generally attractive and nice. People liked his politeness and straight forward manner.

"Oh okay. So are we doing anything until then?" Lucas asked. He drained the remaining dregs in his mug and stood up. He grabbed Even's mug as well on the way back to the kitchen. Even called out a muffled thanks.

When he had returned with two fresh mugs of coffee nothing much had changed apart from the fact that Even had managed to sit up. He took his mug and gazed into the brown depths as if it held all the secrets of the universe.

"How about driving around town?" Andrew suggested. "We haven't seen much other than the grocery store and I need to get some new guitar picks".

Tobias shrugged. "Okay. Seattle?"

"According to the maps, that's the nearest place", Lucas said as he scrolled through his phone. He had google maps open and was glaring at it with disappointment. "There's like shit all around here", he complained. "And Seattle is like a hour away. I vote we stay and chill here. Maybe test out some new tunes".

"avtalt", Even nodded in agreement. Tobias rolled his eyes at his stepbrother but relented.

"Okay then. Andrew and I will go shopping in Seattle. You two can stay here". No one disagreed. Satisfied, Tobias rose and headed upstairs for a shower. Lucas took the opportunity to swipe the remote and turn on the tv.

"Turn to the movie channel", Even demanded. "They're playing captain America". Lucas had no problems with that. The sounds of Steve's and Bucky's bromantic 'I'm with you till the end of the line pal' conversation filled the room.

"Thank god I'm leaving", Andrew commented as he put his book down to watch the movie. "I always cry at Bucky's death".


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