24- Lucas

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"And it's uploaded", Even announced. He sat back on his chair and grinned. Lucas smiled as he leaned forwards to blink at the computer screen. The thumbnail of their cover of Halsey's Nightmare, showing under their channel. He had quite enjoyed filming that. Andrew as backing vocals as he screamed down a mic. It was a good song and he was quite proud of their cover. He just hoped that their fans liked it as well.

Lucas pushed his mask back off his face. Behind him, Tobias had already removed his panther mask. It sat on his drum set as he fired off a text to John about the new cover song. Even still had his hawk mask over his face and he grinned at them from under it. "Guys the comments are already coming in".

"Wildbae314 says 'oh my god, if Hare screams like that live then I'm going to swoon'", Andrew read off with a grin. The rest of them laughed as they bent over the computer screen. The comments and view pouring in by the hundreds, the computer screen constantly updating.

"Hawk's hair is a mood. Constantly floppy and chaotic", Tobias read aloud. Even snorted, running his hands through the mentioned floppy hair. Lucas reached out and ruffled it until the strands stood up with static. Even batted his hands away without taking his eyes off the screen.

"I'm hungry", Lucas complained after a moment.

Andrew blinked at him. "It's your turn to cook Toby".

"Fuck that. Let's order take out".

Even turned to look at the clock in the corner of the screen. "Guys it's eight in the evening. Did we eat lunch?"

In synch the other three shrugged. Lucas couldn't remember if they had or not. They had been working pretty hard. "I want chinese", he offered. He kicked the desk chair and Even groaned.

"What day is it?" Andrew asked as he headed for the stairs. Even shut off the computer and the rest of them followed after him. "I swear it's your turn on dishes tonight Even".

"I did them last night".

"But I did the shopping with Andrew", Lucas defended. "Your turn". Even scowled at him and turned to Tobias. The boy held up his hands with a yawn.

"Don't look at me. I vacuumed".

"What about the washing?" Andrew asked. "Who did that?" There was a sudden silence.

Andrew huffed. "Am I the only one whose organises?"

"No. Toby is pretty good to", Lucas offered as he flopped onto the sofa. He felt rather drained from the day. At lest it was productive.

"Only with important stuff. You all know I'm shit at the mundane things".

"And that's why you're our band leader", Andrew sighed. He turned on the living room lights. Despite it still being summer, the heavy cloud cover of forks meant that the evening sunlight wasn't a bright as other places. It was grey and darkening outside. The normally orange shine of golden hour blocked by summer storm clouds. Lucas wasn't looking forward to the storm. He didn't like the thunder.

"I'll do the dishes tonight if Even does the washing", Tobias offered. He pushed up his gasses to rub at his eyes.

"Okay. But I'll do it tomorrow", Even yawned. "Chinese?"

Tobias drifted off to find a menu from one of the local takeaway places while the rest of them draped themselves on the couch. Even flopped over the back of the sofa so that his back was on the cushion and his legs stuck up in the air. None of them raised and eyebrow at the position, well used to it by now. Andrew curled himself up in the corner.

"What's today's date?" Lucas voiced, suddenly remembering something.

"Tenth of august", Even answered. "What do you want to do for your birthday Andrew?"

Andrew looked up, suddenly wide eyed at the mention of his own oncoming birthday. "What? Already? We've already been there nearly two months now. Wow".

"We could throw a party!" Lucas bounced up in excitement. "But only if you want Andrew".

Footsteps sounded and Tobias shuffled back into the room. "Couldn't find a menu. Someone search it up?"

"What should we do for Andrew's birthday Tobias?" Lucas called.

"Shit. Yeah. What do you want Andrew?" There was a thud as Tobias bounced on the sofa cushions.

"I'm not sure", Andrew mumbled, thinking hard. Lucas and Even called out suggestions. New clothes? Headphones? Books? The last option got a thoughtful hum. Andrew was always interested in books. It was always a go to option whenever Lucas got stuck on presents. Books for Andrew, makeup for Tobias, stationary for Even. It was easy. The others all knew that but it was always nice to ask and see if they wanted anything in particular.

"Parter a minute, Andrew shrugged. "What about Embry, Jacob and the Clearwaters? What are we going to do about them and their weird secrets? I think that is more concerning than my birthday".

"No it's not", Even objected with a dismissive wave of his hand. "They can deal with their own shit. I don't care. It's not like they know that we know anyway".

"But today is the final day of radio silence", Tobias pointed out. "We can't just cut them off without them suspecting something. Also Andrew and Lucas have already revealed to Bella that we know about her boyfriend".

"The look on her face was worth it", Andrew shrugged. Lucas sniggered and held up his hand for a high five. Andrew obliged and they grinned at each other.

"Maybe we should just mess with them more", Andrew suggested with a mischievous smile. "Let's throw a massive party and invite them and the Cullen's. Say it's being nice to our new neighbours. Then see how they interact. See if what we suspect is true".

"Does Embry know that you're a sneaky bird?" Even joked. "Clever owl". They all grinned and Andrew in amusement.

"Party! Heck yeah!" Lucas cheered. "What level are we talking about here? London? San Francisco? Ooohhhh, Tokyo!" Lucas bounced excitedly in his seat, mind whirling as he mentally began planning.

"No! Not Tokyo!" Andrew, Tobias and Even all shouted in synch. Tobias waving his hands around in emphasis of his disagreement. Lucas pouted.

"That night was a nightmare", Andrew groaned at the memory.

Even began laughing. "Remember when we had to bail Tobias and Lucas out of jail and none of us spoke Japanese? They got arrested wearing nothing but their underwear and capes". He and Andrew doubled over with mirth at the memory. Lucas grinned unashamedly while Tobias hid his head in his hands. It had definitely been a fun night, not that they could remember most of it.

"So London?" Tobias offered helplessly once the laughter had ceased. "I think London level is a little more manageable".

"Okay. We've agreed", Andrew grinned. "Now food. I want some food".

"I want salt and pepper squid!" Lucas called.


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